One of the basic characteristics of
capitalism is the private ownership of the major means of production—capital.
The ownership of large amounts of capital can bring (41)
profits, as well as economic and political power. Some recent
theorists, (42) have argued that our society has moved to a
new stage of (43) that they call "postindustrial" society.
One important change in such society is that the ownership of (44)
amounts of capital is no longer the only or even the most important
(45) of profits and influence; knowledge as well as
(46) capital brings profits and influence. There are many (47) with the thesis above, not the least of (48) is that wealthy capitalists can buy the experts and knowledge they need to keep th A. advantages B. consequences C. problems D. potentials [单项选择]可以由任何消费者进行消费,任何一个消费者都不会被排斥在外,这是公共物品的( )。
A. 排他性 B. 公共性 C. 非排他性 D. 非竞争性 [单选题]S模式选呼关于高度的上行询问格式是()。
A.UF4 B.UF5 C.UF11 D.UF20 [判断题]战斗决策和行动方案确定后,下达命令,组织实施是贯彻落实总体决策和行动方案的关键。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]育肥前要驱除体内寄生虫,能提高育肥效果,并对提高肉品质有较好的作用。驱虫药选择广谱、高效、低毒的抗虫药()
[单选题]汽轮机上、下缸金属温差最大处通常出现在( )。
A.调节级 B.中间级 C.末级 D.中压缸第一级 [单项选择]体内CO2分压最高的部位是()。
A. 静脉血液 B. 毛细血管血液 C. 动脉血液 D. 组织液 E. 细胞内液 [单项选择]无产阶级及其政党在资产阶级民主革命中的领导作用,最主要的就是实现对()。
A. 小资产阶级的领导 B. 农民阶级的领导 C. 民族资产阶级的领导 D. 资产阶级的领导 [简答题]什么是党最根本、最重要的纪律,是净化政治生态的重要保证?
[单选题]检修人员操作的设备和接、发令程序及安全要求应由( )批准,并报相关部门和调度控制中心备案。 B.工区 C.设备运维管理单位 D.安质部 [单项选择] Eastern Quakes Can Trigger Big Shakes
In the first week of November 2011, people in central Oklahoma experienced more than two dozen earthquakes. The largest, a magnitude 5.6 quake, shook thousands of fans in a college football stadium, caused cracks in a few buildings and rattled the nerves of many people who had never felt a quake before. Oklahoma is not an area of the country famous for its quakes. If you watch the news on TV, you see reports about all sorts of natural disasters —hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding and wildfires, to name a few. But the most dangerous type of natural disaster, and also the most unpredictable, is the earthquake.
Researchers at the U.S. Geological Survey estimate that several million earthquakes rattle the globe each year. That may sound scary, but people don’t feel many of the tremors because they happen in remote and unpopulated regions. Many quakes happen under the ocean, and others have a very small mag
A. right B. wrong C. not mention [多选题]压力表表盘极限刻度值应为工作压力的( )倍,最好选用( )倍。
A.1.5~3.0 B.2.0~4 C.2 D.2.5 [单项选择]肾小球滤过率是指
A. 两侧肾每分钟生成的超滤液量 B. 一侧肾每分钟生成的超滤液量 C. 两侧肾每分钟生成的尿量 D. 一侧肾每分钟生成的尿量 E. 两侧肾每分钟生成的超滤液量与肾血浆流量之比 [单项选择]计算机硬件系统主要包括中央处理器(CPU),存储器和( )。
A. 显示器 B. 机箱 C. 键盘鼠标 D. 输入输出设备 [单项选择]下列行政行为中,属于抽象行政行为的是( )。
A. 行政征收 B. 行政许可 C. 行政立法 D. 行政确认 [单项选择]下列说法中,正确的是( )。
A. 只要将高级程序语言编写的源程序文件(如try.c)的扩展名更改为.exe,它就成为可执行文件了 B. 高档计算机可以直接执行用高级程序语言编写的程序 C. 源程序只有经过编译和连接后才能成为可执行程序 D. 用高级程序语言编写的程序可移植性和可读性都很差 [单项选择]对建立良好的程序设计风格,下列描述正确的是( )。
A. 程序应该简单、清晰、可读性好 B. 符号名的命名只需要符合语法 C. 充分考虑程序的执行效率 D. 程序的注释可有可无 [单选题]( )均有权向铁路监管部门举报危险货物运输违法违规行为。
A.任何单位和个人 B.各发货单位 C.各车站 D.任何货运人员 [单选题]按照规定时间准时开饭。就餐时间通常不超过()。
A.1小时 B.30分钟 C.45分钟 D.2小时 我来回答: 提交