The Norwegian Government is doing its
best to keep the oil industry under control. A new law limits exploration to an
area south of the southern end of the long coastline; production limits have
been laid down(though these have already been raised); and oil companies have
not been allowed to employ more than a limited number of foreign workers. But
the oil industry has a way of getting over such problems, and few people believe
that the Government will be able to hold things back for long. Ever since the war, the Government has been carrying out a program of development in the area north of the Arctic Circle. For the past few years this program has had a great deal of success: Tromso has been built up into a local capital with a university, a large hospital and a healthy industry. But the oil industry has already started to draw people so A. Norway will be changed so much that it can hardly be recognized B. The Norwegian way of life will change greatly, as we recognize C. We cannot recognize the Norwegian oil industry as it develops so quickly D. The Norwegian government cannot carry out the law against the changing oil industry [单选题]部联网中心将在基础数据管控平台每月( )日开放每月报送功能,并在次月( )日关闭。
A.20 1 B.23 2 C.25 1 D.26 2 [单选题]具有"主升"生理特性的脏是( )
A.肝 B.脾 C.肺 D.肾 E.心 [单选题]脂酰 CoA 进入线粒体时脂酰基的转运载体是
A.肉碱 B.柠檬酸 C.丙酮酸 D.牛磺酸 E.SAM [单选题]The energy circle (a green arc) centers on the aircraft’s position and orients towards the current track line. Which of the following statement is correct?
A. It is displayed on the NDs during descent when HDG or TRK mode is selected B. It represents the required distance to land from the aircraft’s position down to airport elevation at VAPP speed, considering all speed constraints on the vertical profile C. Both A and B are correct [单选题]地方各级党委和政府主要负责人是本地区安全生产第一责任人,班子其他成员对分管范围内的安全生产工作负领导责任。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]冠心病患者运动治疗的绝对禁忌证为
A. 运动时低血压 B. 心动过速,120/min C. 中度主动脉瓣狭窄,压力阶差2.7~6.7 kPa(25~50mmHg) D. 安静血压大于26.7/14.7kPa(200/110mmHg) E. 高度房室传导阻滞 [单项选择]下列化合物中除哪个外,常作为能量合剂使用()
A. CoA B. ATP C. 胰岛素 D. 生物素 [单项选择]工程师无正当理由不确认时,自变更价款报告送达之日起( )d后变更工程价款报告自行生效。
A. 7 B. 14 C. 15 D.28 [多选题]使用载有消防炮的消防车以及移动式消防炮灭火,应根据( )等因素,适时转移阵地。
A.所扑救的火灾对象 B.火场地形 C.风向风力 D.所使用的灭火剂的特性 E.消防炮的技术性能 [简答题]某市发生狂犬病疫情。一天,甲出门上班,猛回头发现一犬紧随其后,吓得拔腿飞跑,犬在后猛追。甲慌不择路,跑进一条死胡同,两边都是高墙,尽头只有一扇木门。甲回头一看,犬已快到近前。甲使出吃奶的劲撞开木门,将已到近前的犬关在门外。
1.什么是紧急避险?成立紧急避险应具备哪些条件? [填空题]()是由上、下限位开关组成,如果减速开关未起作用,限位开关则动作,使电梯停止,切断方向接触器或方向继电器。
[单选题]异步电动机的铁心用( )片制造,是为了减小交变磁通引起的磁滞与涡流损失。
A.硅钢 B.钢 C.铁 D.硅铁 [判断题]在保密期限内的密件,应当以能够明显识别的方式标明解密的字样。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列有关正态曲线的描述,不正确的是
A.曲线以平均数为对称轴 B.y值越大,P值越大 C.曲线与x轴之间区域的面积为1 D.曲线呈现“中间高,两边低”的形状 [简答题]食源性病毒感染的特点是什么?根据疾病性质可将病毒分为哪几类?
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