Text 1
Shortly after dawn on February 17th 2003, the world’s most ambitious road-pricing experiment will start in London. Though cordon toll schemes have been operating in Nor-way for years, and Singapore has an electronic system, no one has ever tried to charge motorists in a city of the size and complexity of London.
For decades, transport planners have been demanding that motorists should pay directly for the use of roads. According to the professionals, it is the only way of civilizing cities and restraining the growth of inter-urban traffic. Politicians have mostly turned a deaf ear, fearing that charging for something what was previously free was a quick route to electoral suicide. But London’s initiative suggests that the point where road pricing he-comes generally accepted as the most efficient way to restrain traffic is much nearer than most drivers realize.
The mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, has pinned his political reputati
A. his interest in traffic.
B. the weak response of politicians.
C. his political motives.
D. the complexity of the problem.
Manners are different in every country;
but true politeness is everywhere the same. Manners are only{{U}} 62
{{/U}}helps which ignorance assumes in order to{{U}} 63
{{/U}}politeness, which is the result of good sense and good{{U}} 64
{{/U}}A person possessed of those qualities, though he had never seen a court, is
truly{{U}} 65 {{/U}}; and if without them, would continue a clown,{{U}}
66 {{/U}}he had been all his life a gentleman usher. He who{{U}}
67 {{/U}}airs of importance exhibits his {{I}}credentials{{/I}}
(证明)of{{U}} 68 {{/U}}. There is no policy like politeness; and a good
manner is the best thing in the world to get a good name, or to{{U}} 69
{{/U}}the want of it. Good manners are a part of good morals, and it is{{U}}
70 {{/U}}much our duty as our interest to practice in both. Good
manners are the art of A. conformable B. obedient C. agreeable D. approving [单项选择]环境影响评价必须客观、公开、公正,综合考虑规划或者建设项目实施后对各种环境因素及其构成的( )可能造成的影响,为决策提供科学依据。
A. (A) 生境 B. (B) 生物群落 C. (C) 生态景观 D. (D) 生态系统 [单选题]、( )可作为判定电感式镇流器内部故障发热的依据之一。
A. 线圈松散 B. 罩壳变色严重,充填的沥青外部烧毁 C. 线圈外层焦黑,内层完好 D. 线圈外层完好,内层变黑 [单选题]客户共享时,跨法人客户共享时需要信贷管理系统中( )角色的用户操作。
A.A、信贷业务办理岗 B.B、法人行管理员 C.C、省联社系统管理员 D.D、贷后管理岗 [单项选择]监督、检查药品广告的是
A. 国家药品监督管理局 B. 省级药品监督管理局 C. 工商行政管理局 D. 各省人事部门 E. 国家人事部 [单选题]下列哪种矿物质是微量元素( )(1分)
A.钠 B.钙 C.硫 D.钾 E.铁 [单选题]在测量高压电缆各相电流时,电缆头线间距离应在()以上,且绝缘良好、测量方便的,方可进行。
A.100mm B.200mm C.300mm D.400mm [单项选择]设有关系R1和R2,经过关系运算得到结果S,则S是
A. 一个关系 B. 一个表单 C. 一个数据库 D. 一个数组 [单项选择]旅客托运行李时,必须提出有效的客票和()。
A. 包裹票 B. 行李票 C. 托运单 D. 货签 [判断题]集控工电脑视频出现异常时通知自动化处理。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]飞行校验对Ⅰ类航向设备宽度对称性的容限要求是( )
A.40%-56% B.41%-57% C.42%-58% D.43%-59 [多选题]减少预精馏塔顶冷凝器的冷剂量对预精馏塔的影响是( )。
A.回流量下降 B.塔压上升 C.塔釜液位上升 D.尾气量增加 [单选题]《道岔综合维修验收评分标准》规定:连续检测( )头岔枕空吊率大于8%,每超过1%扣2分。
A.50 B.100 C.150 D.200 [单选题]牵引变流器将交流电整流为直流电,滤波后逆变为 和 可调的三相交流电,供给牵引电机实现牵引运行。
A.电流、频率 B.电压、频率 C.电压、电流 D.电流、电压 [单选题]我国宪法规定,全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长、副委员长连续任职不得超过( )。
A.两届 B.三届 C.四届 D.五届 [多项选择]()情况下,监理单位不承担责任。
A. 对承包人违反合同规定的质量要求和完工时限 B. 监理单位不认真履行职责给委托人造成损失 C. 监理单位提供超出其资质范围的咨询意见给委托人造成损失 D. 因不可抗力导致监理人不能全部或部分履行合同 E. 监理人向委托人提出赔偿要求不能成立 [单选题](0.65分)一般总是要保证扬声器能得到( )标称功率值的音频功率。
A.等于 B.等于或小于 C.稍大 D.略小于 [单项选择]医学上认为:人的记忆力和学习能力在四五十岁过后,便明显地开始衰退。那些开创性地不断参加社会活动的人的头脑要比自身的年龄年轻得多。下述理解错误的是( )
A. 经常参加社会活动的老年人,具有开创精神,头脑比实际年龄要年轻得多 B. 四十岁以后就记不住电话号码了 C. 四十五岁以后仍可以干出一番事业 D. 积极的锻炼有助于延缓衰老 [判断题]《铁路常旅客服务办法》(铁总客〔2017〕306号)规定:升级积分是指用于衡量会员等级的积分,其来源于乘车积分。
A.正确 B.错误 [配伍题]流行性脑脊髓膜炎(败血症期)( )|中毒性痢疾合并脑病( )|高热惊厥( )|病毒性脑膜炎( )
A. 脑膜刺激征阳性 B. 皮肤有出血点 C. 呕吐、脓血便 D. 惊厥停止后神志即恢复正常 E. 肢体瘫痪 [判断题]电动阀门在空载调试时开关位置不应留余量。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]可以表现服装的立体感与线条美,是上衣的一种装饰缝是()
A. 碎裥 B. 活裥 C. 顺风裥 D. 塔克 [单项选择]反密码子UAG识别的mRNA上的密码子是
A. GTC B. ATC C. AUC D. CTA E. CUA 我来回答: 提交