It has been proven many times that
farmers farm their own land more carefully and productively than they cultivate
someone else’s soil. Again, a prime example comes from Japan, where, at the
close of World War II, huge stretches of{{U}} (67) {{/U}}were in the
hands of absentee landlords (在外地主), {{U}} (68) {{/U}}by tenants. Among
the changes{{U}} (69) {{/U}}by the U. S. occupation was a land reform{{U}}
(70) {{/U}}that put the farms in the hands of the individual
farmers{{U}} (71) {{/U}}owners, not tenants; the landlords were
expropriated (剥夺了地主的财产). Many of the farms thus assigned were small,
{{U}} (72) {{/U}}production rose enormously. Today, Japanese{{U}}
(73) {{/U}}, meticulous (细致的) in their care of the land and its{{U}}
(74) {{/U}}, produce up to four times as{{U}} (75) {{/U}}grain
per unit area as do other Asian farmers. Lan A. consequence B. supposition C. measure D. change [单选题]肝门静脉与上、下腔静脉的吻合包括:
A.食管静脉丛 B.直肠静脉丛 C.脐周静脉网 D.以上都对 E.以上都不对 [判断题]电客车升弓之前需要呼唤应答并鸣笛
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]调车作业中,信号操纵人员应根据控制台显示随时掌握机车车辆动态,按照规定的操作程序( )。
A.准备进路 B.执行问路 C.监督作业 D.操纵道岔 [判断题]在保安等级3时,应停止货物装卸、物料收受以及禁止与处理保安事件无关人员进入船舶。
[填空题]The author mentions that she has had to develop time management skills. 71. ______
Parent-students cherish their chance to study in school again. 72. ______ Parent-students seem to stay loyal to one another and support one another. 73. ______ There are some unexpected items in the author’s book bag. 74. ______ The author is pursuing an advanced degree. 75. ______ Once in a special occasion, the author was embarrassed when her daughter said she wanted to go to the bathroom. 76. ______ The children participate in the parent’s studying. 77. ______ Old parent-students are good listeners, midway between roommates and parents. 78. ______ Most teachers praise parent-students for their assiduity. 79. ______ Parent-students are different from other students in class in that they participate more in class disc [单选题]作业人员应具备必要的电力通信专业知识掌握电力通信专业工作技能,且按工作性质熟悉规程的相关部分,并经()合格后上岗。
A.培训 B.口试 C.考试 D.考核 [判断题]城市居民委员会、农村村民委员会可以聘请退役军人协助开展国防教育。
[多选题] 作业人员有权依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》拒绝违章指挥和强令冒险作业,在发现危及人身安全的情况时,( )并立即报告。
A.继续冒险作业; B.有权停止作业; C.采取可行的应急措施后撤离作业场所; D.置之不理。 [单选题]安全色黄色的含义为( )
A.注意、警告的信息 B.必须遵守规定的指令性信息 C.安全的指令性信息 [单选题]防止术后肺不张,下列哪项是错误的( )
A.术前练习深呼吸 B.急性上呼吸道感染患者,应先控制感染 C.防止术后呕吐物吸入 D.及时用镇咳药控制咳嗽 E.嗜烟者术前1周禁烟 [单选题]税收的职能中,可以改变利益分配格局的是( )。
A.财政职能 B.经济职能 C.补偿职能 D.监督职能 [不定项选择]样衣制作必须根据客户提供的款式图或来样设计结构图及纸样,其设计方法主要有( )。
A. 原形法 B. 比例分配法 C. 立体造型设计法 D. 模拟法 [单项选择]图像分辨率的单位是______。
A. dpi B. ppi C. lpi D. pixel [单选题]在距钢轨顶面350~1100mm这个高度范围内,直线建筑限界的半宽是( )。
A.1400mm B.1500mm C.1725mm D.1875mm [单选题]施工负责人要求封锁区间进行施工时,须经( )准许并发令。
A.车站值班员 B.列车调度员 C.施工领导人 D.工务调度 [填空题]
The Science of Interruptions [A] In 2000, Gloria Mark was hired as a professor at the University of California. She would arrive at her desk in the morning, full of energy and ready to tackle her to-do list. No sooner had she started one task than a colleague would e-mail her with an urgent request; when she went to work on that, the phone would ring. At the end of the day, Mark had accomplished a fraction of what she set out to do. Lots of people complain that office multitasking drives them nuts. But Mark studies how high-tech devices affect our behavior, so she was able to do more than complain: she set out to measure how nuts we’ve all become. [B] Mark’s study also revealed that interruptions are often crucial to office work. The high-tech workers admitted that many of their daily distractions were essential to their jobs. When someone forwards you an urgent e-mail message, it’s often something you really do need to see; if a [配伍题]具有疏肝解郁安神功效的药物是()|具有祛痰开窍安神功效的药物是()|具有养阴益血安神功效的药物是()
A. 石菖蒲 B. 龙骨 C. 远志 D. 合欢皮 E. 酸枣仁 [判断题]压回法适用于高含硫、溢流量大的条件。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]胸外除颤时,电极板应置于( )
A.胸骨左、右两侧 B.胸骨左缘第2肋间和心尖区 C.胸骨右缘第2肋间和心尖区 D.心尖区和右侧肩胛区 E.胸骨左缘第3肋间和心尖区 [单项选择]患者男性,35岁,因“工作时不慎被铡刀砍断右手五指3小时”来诊。查体:刀口齐。首选的检查项目是()
A. MRI B. CT C. X线片 D. 三维重建 E. 掌骨骨折 [判断题]以暂估价形式包括在承包范围内的工程、货物属于依法必须进行招标的项目范围且达到规定的规模标准的,应当依法进行招标。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]停运中的电压互感器投入运行后,应立即检查以下哪些内容。()
A.电压指示情况$ B.$电流指示情况$ C.$本体有无异常现象$ D.$接头是否发热 [单选题]职工因工死亡,一次性工亡补助金标准为上一年度全国城镇居民人均可支配收入的()倍。
A.5 B.20 C.15 D.10 [判断题](判断题)
当金融突发事件等级指标有交叉,难以判定时,按照高一级金融突发事件处理。 A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交