Music and literature, the two temporal
arts, contrive their pattern of sounds in time; or, in other words of sounds and
pauses. Communication may be made in broken words, the business of life be
carried on with substantives alone; but that is not what we call literature; and
the true business of the literary artist is to plait or weave his meaning,
involving it around itself; so that each sentence, by successive phrases, shall
first come into a kind of knot, and then, after a moment of suspended meaning,
solve and clear itsel A. meaning B. sound C. ideas D. balance [单选题]10千伏(20千伏)及以下输配电线路折旧年限是(____) 年?
A.16-26 B.18-30 C.26-32 D.28-34 [单选题]呕血伴肝脾肿大、腹壁静脉曲张,首先考虑
A.肝硬化 B.消化性溃疡 C.胃癌 D.流行性出血热 [单选题]下列说法中,正确的应该是( )。
A.党员只能向上级党组织提出请求、申诉和控告 B.党员可以向上级党组织直至中央提出请求、申诉和控告 C.党员可以向上级党组织直至中央提出请求、申诉和控告,并要求有关组织给以负责的答复 D.党员可以向上级党组织直至中央提出请求、申诉和控告,不得要求有关组织给以负责的答复 [单项选择]建筑工程施工许可制度是建设行政主管部门根据( )的申请,经过依法审查,颁发施工许可证的一种制度。
A. 建设单位 B. 施工单位 C. 监理单位 D. 设计单位 [单项选择]在我国,人口规模超过100万元以上的城市属于( )。
A. 特大城市 B. 大城市 C. 中等城市 D. 小城市 [多选题]正常运行时,离心泵轴承超温原因可能有( )。
A.润滑油油位过高 B.润滑油油位过低 C.润滑油选择不当 D.泵过载; [判断题]利用直流升压装置产生一个可以调节的试验用直流高压,施加在被试电气设备的主绝缘上,通过测量流过被试品的泄漏电流检验被试品的绝缘状况的试验称为直流泄漏电流测量。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]作业班组要严格执行作业登销记和挂牌防护制度,作业前确认隔离开关()、接触网可靠接地、车组放电、防溜状态,做好安全防护方可进入现场进行作业
A.状态良好 B.分闸 C.合闸 D.无故障 [名词解释]安全含水量
A. 血余 B. 棕榈 C. 干漆 D. 炉甘石 E. 石膏 [单选题]侧向接发停车货物列车并位于正线的单开道岔,在中间站不得小于( )号,在其他车站不得小于9号。
1. Initially, Sharon Tucker was Williams’s .......................................... 2. The company’s programme of .......................................... its outlets was unsuccessful. 3. Last six months: 10% increase in .......................................... 4. Tucker decided against policy of .......................................... used by rivals. 5. The high-low strategy that Tucker introduced is usually called". ..........................................". 6. Williams calls its special offers the company’s". ..........................................". 7. The company delivers .......................................... to homes in the area of the stores. 8. Example of special offer: .......................................... for half normal price. 9. Difficult to ensure that .......................................... are adequate to cope with demand. 10. Success of sales stra [填空题]平面与投影面的交线,称为()。
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