[简答题] 有电检查时,对制动管、总风管折角塞门及软管连接器检查要求?
标题 名称 层次
数据库操作 Db 1
添加记录 Tj 2
查询记录 Cx 2
按姓名查询 Xm 3
按学号查询 Xh 3
删除记录 Delete 2
A. Private Sub c1_Click( )
B. Private Sub c1_Click( )
C. Private Sub c1_Click( )
D. Private Sub c1_Click( )
A. 生产、销售不符合卫生标准食品
B. 生产、销售假药
C. 共犯论处
D. 对人体健康造成严重危害
E. 嫌疑犯
[单选题]在电气设备检修中,一个工作负责人( )同时执行多张工作票,工作票上所列的工作地点,以一个电气连接部分为限。
[判断题]删除会计科目时,应先删除上一级科目,然后再删除本级科目。 ( )
[单项选择]某房地产开发公司在某城市临街建设商住两用商品房一幢,共11层。居民王女士购买了其中一套住房,该住房套内房屋使用面积为120 m2,套内墙体面积为20 m2,北面为全封闭阳台,南面为不封闭阳台,其水平投影面积分别为8 m2、10 m2,应分摊共有建筑面积15 m2。
按建筑结构的主要材料划分,该商住两用楼的结构形式最可能为( )。
A. 砖混结构
B. 钢结构
C. 砖木结构
D. 钢筋混凝土结构
A. 卷烟的批发环节
B. 金银饰品的生产环节
C. 珍珠饰品的零售环节
D. 高档手表的生产环节
E. 酒类产品的批发环节
[填空题]When you are making your speech, try to relax. Speak slowly and clearly and look at people in your audience. Using simple vocabulary and expressions whenever possible. Stop for a few seconds now and then to give your audience a chance to think about what you have said. Make sure that everyone in the room can hear you. If it is a large room or an auditorium (礼堂), you will probably have to use a microphone.
Just remember: be prepared. Know your subject, your audience, and the occasion. Be brief. Say what you have to say and then stop. Let your personality come through so that you make person-to-person contact with your audience.
If you follow these simple steps, you’ll see that you don’t have to be afraid of public speaking. In fact, you may find the experience so enjoyable that you ask to make more speeches!
How to make a speech
You should pause to give your audience (46) to think.
In order to make yourself heard in a large room, you’d be
[单项选择]下列关于企业文化的说法不正确的是( )
A. 它是一种群体意识
B. 它是企业领导的意志
C. 它反映时代但又不断发展
D. 它继承了传统精神
[填空题]Cell-Phone Bans While Driving Have More
Impact in Dense, Urban Areas
A The study,
conducted by Sheldon Jacobson, a professor of computer science and the director
of the simulation and optimisation laboratory at Illinois, analysed the
relationship between pre-and post-law automobile accident rates using public
data from 62 counties in New York. Jacobson and co-researchers Alexander
Nikolaev and Matthew Robbins published their results in an article titled
Evaluating the Impact of Legislation Prohibiting Hand-Held Cell Phone Use While
Driving, which will appear in a forthcoming issue of the Journal Transportation
Research Part A: Policy and Practice.
B The team found
that after banning hand-held cell phone use while driving, 46 counties in New
York experienced lower fatal accident rates, 10 of which did so at a
statistically significant level, while all 62 counties experienced lower
personal injury accident rates. They also discovered that the personal injury
accident rate decrease was more substantive in counties such as Bronx, New York
and Queens, where there was a high density of licensed drivers rather than in
sparsely populated areas of upstate New York. ’What that suggests is, if you
have a congestion of cars and you’re distracted, you’re more likely to hit
someone,’ Jacobson said. ’If you have a lower congestion of cars, you’re still
distracted, but you’re less likely to hit anyone because there are less people
to hit. It’s simple probability.’ Driver distraction is thought to be the cause
of nearly 80 per cent of automobile accidents in the U.S., resulting in about
2,600 deaths, 330,000 injuries and 1.5 million instances of property damage
C Although a ban on hand-held cell phone use
while driving in rural areas has less of an impact on driver safety, Jacobson
says that doesn’t necessarily mean the ban itself is worthless. ’Hand-held cell
phone bans are very valuable in high-density urban areas, but less so in
lower-density rural areas,’ Jacobson said. ’But that doesn’t mean they have no
impact in rural areas. It just means that such legislation is less likely to
have an impact on driver accident rates.’
D Jacobson’s
study differs from other studies in that, rather than focusing on reaction times
of simulated drivers in lab setting, it analysed publicly available data of
accident rates published by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles. To
allow for a proper comparison between time periods, the years 1997 to 2001 were
treated as the pre-law time period, and the years 2002 to 2007 were considered
as the post-law time period. ’Nobody’s done a study like this before,’ he said.
’Everything prior to this is a micro-analysis of reaction time in laboratories
by researchers.’ The challenge, Jacobson said, was getting the right data to
analyse. ’The best state that had the data to analyse was New York,’ he said.
’They’ve had the hand-held cell phone ban in place since 2001. So we had a lot
of data.’
E Jacobson said one of the limitations of the
study is extrapolating the data from New York state and projecting it onto the
nation at large. ’That’s fraught with problems, but these are limitations we
acknowledge,’ he said. ’Every state is unique, but the overall conclusions still
stand to reason.’ Jacobson, who also holds appointments as a professor of
industrial and enterprise systems engineering, of civil and environmental
engineering, says the holy grail of data sets to analyse would be the property
damage data collected by insurance companies. Jacobson says the difference
between his study and one recently published by the Highway Loss Data Institute,
an affiliate of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, is that he used
publicly available data and the number of licensed drivers as a proxy for
accident prediction. (The insurance industry-backed report studied pre- and
post-ban insurance claims from accidents in California, Connecticut, New York
and Washington, D.C. It contends that state laws banning the use of cell phones
while driving didn’t reduce the number of vehicle crashes.) If the property
damage data were available to Jacobson and his co-researchers, ’We could come up
with a more definitive statement,’ he said.
F Another
challenge for Jacobson and his team was how to standardise accident data across
the counties. Their solution was to use the number of licensed drivers and
compare the statistical inferences to licensed-driver density. ’Measuring the
throughput of cars is very difficult,’ Jacobson said. ’As a result, using the
number of licensed drivers is a reasonable way to standardise, and
licensed-driver density provided an interesting measure to compare the
counties.’ The measures of traffic safety considered in the study are the number
of fatal automobile accidents per 100,000 licensed drivers per year and the
number of personal injury accidents per 1,000 licensed drivers per year,
Jacobson said. For the purpose of analysis, the personal injury accident rate
proved to be a more appropriate measure. ’The trend that we saw was that
high-density driving areas tended to have a more precipitous drop in the number
of fatalities and accidents after the ban was implemented than in lower- density
areas,’ Jacobson said. ’This was more pronounced for personal-injury rates than
it was for fatality rates.’
G Despite the exponential
growth in cell phone subscribers, Jacobson says that all the evidence suggests
that hand-held cell phone bans while driving are worthwhile. ’All the evidence
suggests hand-held cell phone bans while driving are a good thing, and this is
more evidence to that effect,’ he said. ’But it doesn’t establish it
definitively. There’s still more work to be done, but this helps to further
clarify the picture.’Paragraph E
[单项选择]准备、组织工作小组、制定工作计划、调查收集资料、( )编制评估报告是项目评估的六部曲。
A. 详细研究
B. 对初步可行性研究评估
C. 与计划进行对比分析
D. 分析测算
A. 僵蚕、白附子、薄荷
B. 蜈蚣、白附子、全蝎
C. 全蝎、白附子、僵蚕
D. 蜈蚣、白附子、倡蚕
E. 僵蚕、全蝎、蜈蚣
A. 全国人民代表大会
B. 全国人大常务委员会
C. 国务院
D. 教育部
A. 会阴型
B. 阴茎型
C. 阴茎阴囊型
D. 龟头型
E. 尿道缺如型
[判断题]汽轮机汽缸在热胀冷缩过程中反复错动,会使滑销产生磨损或拉出毛刺,机组振动更加速了这种损坏。( )
A. 收容服务
B. 机构内救助
C. 后续服务
D. 街头救助
[多选题]161.下列行为行政机关应当依法给予行政处罚,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任的有( )
[判断题]地面进攻起点安排指挥员负责供水、外部进攻、 力量调配和增援消防救援站协调等工作,前沿阵地等关键 位置必须安排指挥员负责指挥。
A. 求助者本身的复愈能力
B. 求助者对咨询师的信心
C. 咨询师对求助者的尊重
D. 咨询产生的实际效果
[多选题](难)( )国有企业党组织必须把党的政治建设摆在首位, 担负起党的政治建设责任, 提高政治站位, 强化政治引领, 增强政治 能力, 涵养政治生态, 防范政治风险, 坚决落实党中央决策部署, 推
动企业聚焦主责主业,服务国家发展战略,全面履行( )。
A. 电磁计程仪航程在风中航迹线上截取
B. 水压计程仪航程在风中航迹线上截取
C. 多普勒计程仪航程在风中航迹线上截取
D. 以上都对
[单项选择]放射免疫分析不适于测定 ()
A. 肿瘤标记物
B. 甲状腺激素
C. 小分子量物质
D. 药物浓度
E. 微量元素
[单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》,作业前应召开现场工前会,由工作负责人( 监护人)对工作班组所有人员或工作分组负责人、工作分组负责人( 监护人)对分组人员进行安全交代。以下说法正确的是( )。
[单选题]CRH380B型动车组车轮缘高度范围为( )mm。
[单选题]宏观目标是政府努力的方向,政府干预经济不包括的宏观目标是( )。