American (61) are
similar to other cities (62) the world. In every country,
cities reflect the values of the (63) . Cities contain the
very best parts of a (64) . They also (65)
the very (66) parts of a society, violent
crime, racial conflict, and poverty American cities are (67)
, (68) American society is changing. After World War Ⅱ city residents became richer and more prosperous. They had (69) children. They needed more (70) . They moved (71) their apartments in the city to buy their A. suburbs B. suburb C. cities D. city [填空题]生产过程中“三违行为”指的是( )、( )、( )。
A. 发动机引气 B. 外界冲压空气 C. 空调空气 D. 发动机排气 [简答题]琥珀膏2功效与作用
[判断题]晚期癌痛中重度疼痛的病人一般不要使用阿片类药物,以免成瘾。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]按给药途径和方法分类属于皮肤给药的是()
A. 颗粒剂 B. 软膏剂 C. 注射剂 D. 吸入剂 E. 溶胶 [判断题] 人体直接接触或过分靠近电气设备及线路的带电导体而发生的触电现象称为间接接触触电。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]不注重研究( ),不注重研究( ),不注重研究( )。这些都是极坏的作风。
A. 微笑 B. 握手 C. 拥抱 D. 破口大骂 [单项选择]男性,60岁,不明原因咳嗽3个月,痰中偶带血丝。胸部X线平片显示右上肺炎症表现。为进一步明确诊断,下列哪项检查程序最恰当()
A. 核素扫描一痰细胞学检查 B. 痰细胞学检查一开胸探查 C. 胸腔穿刺肺组织活检-CT检查 D. 痰细胞学检查-CT-纤维支气管镜检查 E. 纵隔镜检查一前斜角肌脂肪垫活检 我来回答: 提交