Task 1
Fifty - four teenagers came crashing through the double doors of the Easter High School choir(音乐) room one April afternoon in 1987, wild with the news they'd heard over tile loudspeaker. They had been selected to compete at the International Youth and Music Festival in Vienna. To these young people from the inner city of Washington D.C. it sounded like a dream. "Is it true, Mrs. Garrett" shrieked the usually dreamy Ayesha Brock. Joyce Garrett wasn't smiling. How could she tell her award - winning singers that a golden voice wasn't enough to get you to Europe Hadn't she spent 22 years in convincing the city's poorest children that it wasn't where you lived but what you did that counted "Yes, it's true," she said slowly. "Only 36 North 5merican choi A. the school was situated in Washington’s Black ghetto B. Joyce was a young successful music teacher C. the Music Festival in Vienna is to be held on April every year D. most of Joyce’s pupils decided to raise money for the trip [单选题]在配网勘测App中获取工程是在以下哪个模块中( )
A.获取工程 B.导出工程 C.新建工程 D.删除工程 [单选题]凡盛有或盛过易燃易爆等化学危险物品的容器、设备、管道等生产、储存装置,在动火作业前应将其与生产系统(),并进行清洗置换,检测可燃气体、易燃液体的可燃蒸气含量合格后,方可动火作业。
A.连接 B.对接 C.断开 D.彻底隔离 [简答题]壶腹周围癌是指哪几种癌?
天马公司2004年有关资料如下: [单选题]依据《省住房和城乡建设厅关于改革和完善房屋建筑和市政基础设施工程招标投标制度的实施意见》(苏建规字(2017)1号文),招标代理机构在招投标活动中出现较重失信行为的公示()个月。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]我国通用的火警电话号码是( )(1分)
A.999 B.119 C.911 D.112 E.110 [单项选择]对中国居民平衡膳食宝塔应用的描迷,不正确的选项是()
A. 确定适合自己的能量水平 B. 根据自己的能量水平确定食物需要 C. 食物同类互换 D. 每日严格按照膳食宝塔建议的各类食物的数量进食 [单选题]PNX系列铁路信号智能电源屏过、欠压监测器动作响应时间的调整范围为0.1~20s,一般调整为( )。
A.1S B.2s C.3s D.4s [单项选择]软件设计包括软件的结构、数据、接口和过程设计,其中软件的过程设计是指( )。
A. 模块间的关系 B. 系统结构部件转换成软件的过程描述 C. 软件层次结构 D. 软件开发过程 [判断题]照明消防车按照照明升降系统不同,分为液压升降系统、机械升降系统两种。中维护与管理
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]女,44岁,腹胀,腹痛2个月余,体检:腹水征(+),盆腔有一直径6cm的囊实性包块,固定,子宫直肠窝有硬结。该病人5年存活的概率为()。
A. 10% B. 30% C. 60% D. 80% E. 100% [填空题]社区文化具有()()()()特点。
[单项选择]{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}