Ever since it appeared on the cultural
scene, the Enlightenment has had its passionate critics. Philosophers as well as
politicians have criticized its rationalism, its individualism, its
cosmopolitanism, its faith in science and technology, its humanism, and its lack
of respect for established traditions. Some have criticized individual aspects
of it, others have condemned it in its entirety. At times Enlightenment thinking
was all but eclipsed, as during the later part of the period of literary
Romanticism, while at other times it re-surfaced with renewed vigor. In varying
ways it has had a challenged and challenging presence in Western thought to this
day. In recent decades Enlightenment thinking has been the target of critical endeavors once more. This time it is its individualism and cosmopolitani A. The difference between rationalism and materialism B. the former represents disintegration and the latter represents integration C. the former emphasizes differences and individual identity, the latter emphasizes common humanity D. The former is for Enlightenment and the latter is opposed to Enlightenment [单选题]既适用于葛根,又适用于肉豆蔻煨制的辅料是
A.灶心土 B.滑石粉 C.麦麸 D.面粉 E.蛤粉 [单选题]除紧急抢修工作票之外的只能延期( )。
A.一次 B.两次 C.三次 D.二至三次 [判断题]清算期间法人存续,可以从事与清算无关的活动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]施工现场的动力配电箱与照明配电箱宜分别设置。当合并设置为同一配电箱时,动力和照明应分路配电;动力开关箱与照明开关箱必须分设。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]富氧环境是指空气中氧的体积百分比高于23.5%。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]粉尘中游离SiO2含量50%~<80%,呼吸性粉尘最高允许浓度()mg/m3。
A. 1, B. 2, C. 0.5 [单选题]ZD6电动转辙机摩擦连接器出所时,应将摩擦电流调整到额定电流值的()倍。
A.A、1 B.B、1 C.C、2 D.D、2 [单选题]马球在中国唐代又称为____。
(出题单位:陕西历史博物馆推荐单位:陕西学习平台) A. 蹴鞠 B. 飞球 C. 波罗球 D. 罗马球 [单项选择]制动轴链及各拉链链环直径磨耗大于()mm时更换。
A. 1mm B. 2mm C. 3mm D. 4mm [单项选择]Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.What is the man’s reason for not giving up smoking
A. Smoking helps to lessen the pressure. B. Smoking helps him fall asleep quickly. C. He can get much happiness from smoking. D. Smoking brings more chances to make friends. [单选题]文明服务中的宽容原则,是要求我们在服务过程中,既要( ),更要( )。要( )、( )他人,( ),争端自然会少发生。
A.约束自己 宽以待人 多体谅 多理解 换位思考 B.严于律己 约束他人 多体谅 多理解 换位思考 C.严于律己 宽以待人 多自检 多理解 换位思考 D.严于律己 宽以待人 多体谅 多理解 换位思考 [单项选择]变构调节和化学修饰调节的共同特点是
A. 引起酶蛋白构象变化 B. 酶蛋白发生共价修饰 C. 属于快速调节力式 D. 有放大效应 [单项选择]因相同事件(原因)、相同时间影响超过()名及以上数量的考生异常情况定义为群体异常。
A. 3名 B. 5名 C. 10名 D. 15名 [单项选择]
A. CD3 B. CD4 C. CD8 D. CD16 E. CTLA-4 [单选题]下列关于设定行政许可与行政处罚的说法中,正确的是( )。
A.行政许可与行政处罚的设定机关均应对其设定的行政许可、行政处罚进行评价 B.部门规章可以依法设定一定的行政许可、行政处罚 C.尚未制定法律的,行政法规可以依法设定一定的行政许可、行政处罚 D.法律、法规、规章以外的其他规范性文件一律不得设定任何行政许可、行政处罚 我来回答: 提交