2007年5月,中共某县县委向该县人大常委会党组和县人民政府党组提交了15名乡、镇长任职和免职的建议名单。县人民政府随即将这15名乡、镇长予以任免,并以县人民政府正式文件的形式发至县各直属单位、各乡镇人民政府和有关国家机关。该县人大常委会收到此任免文件后,认为该文件违背了《宪法》和《地方组织法》的有关规定,建议县政府予以纠正,县政府却不予理睬。在这种情况下,县人大常委会专门召开会议,就县政府的这一任免文件进行专题审议,全体委员一致认为县政府这一任免决定事先未经各乡、镇人民代表大会通过,不符合法律规定,故通过决定将其撤销。 请结合有关法律规定,回答以下问题:
Cigarettes can seriously damage your countryside. Fanned by 112km/h Santa Ana winds, fire swept across 4,250 hectares near the mountain community of Alpine, California. More than 650 people were (1) immediately from their homes. As 800 firefighters (2) to control the conflagration (a large, destructive fire 大火), (3) of smoke (4) over 9,000m and sent clouds of (5) drifting across San Diego, nearly 50km away. A (6) of air tankers (a cargo plane carrying water or fuel 运送水或燃料的飞机) and helicopters (7) water and fire-retarding (8) over the area. Firefighters believe the (9) was started by a (10) discarded cigarette. California, (11) raining at this time of year, had only 1mm of precipitation (rain; a quantity of rain in a specific area at a specific time) in December, making (12) the state’s (13) winter month in 70 years. In the 1970’s (14) homes and ranches in the mountains n
A. destroying
B. destroyed
C. destructed
D. destructing
Under existing law, a new drug may be
labeled, promoted, and advertised only for those conditions in which safety and
effectiveness have been demonstrated and of which the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) has approved, or socalled "approved uses." Other uses have
come to be called "unapproved uses" and cannot be legally promoted. In a real
sense, the term "unapproved" is a misnomer because it includes in one phrase two
categories of marketed drugs that are very different; drugs which are
potentially harmful and will never be approved, and already approved drugs that
have "unapproved" uses. It is common for new research and new insights to
demonstrate valid new uses for drugs already on the market. Also, there arc
numerous examples of medical progress resulting from the serendipitous
observations and therap A. has been reviewed by the FDA and specifically rejected B. has medical value but has not yet been approved by FDA for inclusion as a labeled use C. is authorized by the label as approved by the FDA on the basis of scientific studies D. is made in experiments designed to determine whether a drug is medically beneficial [单项选择]某投资者年初以10元/股的价格购买某股票1000股,年末该股票的价格上涨到11元/股,在这一年内,该股票按每10股10元(税后)方案分派了现金红利,那么,该投资者该年度的持有期收益率是多少( )
A. 10% B. 20% C. 30% D. 40% [简答题]越出站界调车时,在有效时间内不受( )的限制。有效时间内通知书未收回时,不得办理区间开通手续
[填空题]The passage contains 10 errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way.
For a wrong word underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line. For a missing word mark the position of the missing word with a " A " sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line. For an unnecessary word cross the unnecessary word with a slash "/" and put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line. Since the 1950s, particularly developing from the work of the American linguist Noam Chomsky, there have attempts to produce a 1._ [判断题]寿命期限以制造时间为准,时间统计精确到月,但车轴使用时间以轮对最后一次组装时间为准。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]水泵启动和运行时,操作人员()接触转动部位,在水泵开启至运行稳定后,方可离开。
A. 不得 B. 可以 C. 观察 D. 倾听 [判断题]三角带传动是依靠三角带与轮槽间的摩擦力来传递运动和动力的,因此,只要保证不超过三角带的许用拉力,张紧力越大越有利。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列情形中,哪些不构成医疗事故罪
A. 马某未取得行医资格就私开诊所,结果由于医疗技术条件达不到要求,导致患者左眼失明 B. 外科医生杨某在动手术时将纱布忘在病人体内,导致病人感染,引起严重并发症死亡 C. 急救医生刘某抢救车祸受重伤者时,按常规验明其血型后为其输血,结果由于病人为某种罕见的特殊血型,接受输血后死亡 D. 刚毕业的医生胡某第一次为病人做切除盲肠手术,由于紧张未能很好缝合伤口,造成患者腹腔感染 [单项选择]除下列哪项外,均为非特异性感染的病原菌()。
A. 金黄色葡萄球菌 B. 梭状芽孢杆菌 C. 变形杆菌 D. 乙型溶血链球菌 E. 枞杆菌 [填空题]已知字符A的ASCII码为65,以下程序运行后的输出结果是【 】。
main( )
{char a,b;
a=’’A’’+’’5’’-’’3’’; b=a+’’6’’-’’2’’;
printf("%d %c/n",a,b) ;
[多选题]以下哪些业务实行100%回访( )。
A.投诉举报业务 B.高压新装业务 C.增减容业务 D.新推广服务举措 [单选题]取得烟草专卖零售许可证的单位或个人,应从( )进货。( )
A.任何一个烟草公司 B.城乡卷烟交易市场 C.当地的烟草专卖批发企业 D.个体烟贩子 [单选题]( )岁以上(含)老年人持北京市老年人优待卡乘车时可以享受免费乘车规定。
A..60岁 B.65岁 C.70岁 D.55岁 [单选题]单选题:以下各类物资中,不属于防寒设备物资的是( )。
A.苫布 B.大扫把 C.方锹 D.小铁铲 我来回答: 提交