The number of city schools put on a list for strict scrutiny by the state for poor academic performance went up slightly this year. and the number of city schools taken off the list by showing improvement dropped, the state’s commissioner of education announced yesterday.
Ten city schools—now at risk of being shut down—were added to the list of Schools Under Registration Review, known as SURR, bringing the total in the city m 40. Statewide. 61 schools are under review, said the commissioner, Richard Mills. The addition of 10 city schools reverses what had been a trend in the past few years: the number of schools on the list had been falling. There were 55 schools in 2003, 46 in 2004 and 35 last year, an all-time low.
But this year a new factor was at work: The state raised the level of performance required to pass its standards. In addition, 6 of the 10 newly named schools are middle schools--and those schools have for years confounded educators
A. posing a contrast
B. presenting a phenomenon
C. justifying an assumption
D. making a comparison
According to the new school of scientists, technology is an overlooked force in expanding the horizons of scientific knowledge. 46) Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools. 47) "In short" pa leader of the new school contend% "the scien tific revolution, as we call it, was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments that expanded the reach of science in innumerable directions".
48) Over the year% tools and technology themselves as a source of fundamental innovation have largely been ignored by historians and philosophers of science. The modern school that hails technology argues that such masters as Galileo, Newton, Maxwell, Einstein, and inventors such as Edison attached great importance to, and derived great benefit from, craft information and technological devices of different kinds t
两栖类是由水中生活转向陆地生活过渡动物,对于两栖类的如何解释其登陆后防止体内水分蒸发等一系列问题还没有建立起完善的相应的调节机制,因此其原始祖先采取了将卵产在水中,胚胎在水中发育,成体登陆(不能远离水域)的方式,这样两栖类的胚胎在发育过程中产生的代谢废物可以以氨的形式排出体外,这个方式一直保留到幼体,成体的 两栖类为适应陆上生活,由排泄氨转换为排泄尿素。
爬行类是真正地移居到陆地上生活的动物。为了适应陆栖生活,尤其是胚胎发育期中,要防止空气干旱而使体内水分蒸发,便在卵外面罩护上一层相当坚厚的外壳。可是这也同时妨碍了废物的排泄,而废物积累多了又会给胚胎带来毒害,因此其原始祖先以排尿酸或沉淀出尿酸盐来解决这个问题。这样可以使正在发育的胚胎所产生的废物能够凝结成固体结晶无害地贮存在蛋内直到孵化,成体后的爬行类含氮废物的排泄随其生活环境的不同而发生了改变,如生活在干旱地区的爬行动物为保存体内水分就保留了这个特征,而生活在水中或潮湿地区的爬行类,由于不怕体内缺水,其排泄的含氮废物的胚胎期的尿酸转为尿素。 (佚名《两栖类动物》)