Mr. Smith works in a machine
factory. There he drives a truck (卡车). He’s busy all the time and can’t do any
housework (家务). His wife is a doctor and likes to keep all the things tidy
(整洁的,使整齐) and clean. She usually goes to work from Monday to Fri- day and has to
do all the housework on Saturdays. All her friends know about it and sometimes
they come to help her. Last Saturday Mr. Smith had something to do and he left a lot of dirty clothes at home. Mrs. Smith didn’t go to work, but she was a little ill. So she didn’t want to do anything. After breakfast, Mary, one of her friends, came (来,出现) to see her when she was sitting on a chair. The girl found (发现,找到;创办) rooms were dirty and asked, "Don’t you clean your room today, Mrs. Smith " "No, I don’t." Said the doctor. "Why don’t you wear glasses " "This way I’ll think the r [判断题]旅客办理改晚乘车签证手续时,特殊情况经购票地车站或票面乘车站站长同意的,可在开车后2小时内办理
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]A.甲状舌骨囊肿
A.甲状腺瘤 B.腮裂囊肿 C.甲状腺癌 D.囊状水瘤 E.肿物位于颈前线,囊性,随伸舌活动上下移动 [不定项选择题]男性,35岁。驾车肇事。右髋致伤剧痛。检查见右下肢缩短,内旋位,内收位。弹性固定,右足不能背屈。
A.下肢皮牵引复位 B.下肢骨牵引复位 C.手法复位 D.手术切开复位 E.镇静止痛肢体重力复位 [单项选择]工业设备安装工程质量检验的主要依据是质量检验评定标准和( )等。
A. 材料质量证明、工艺设计施工图、质量检验评定标准 B. 机械设备安装使用说明书、现行施工及验收规范、安装造价表 C. 工艺设计施工图、质量检验评定标准、施工技术交底 D. 工艺设计施工图、机械设备安装使用说明书、现行施工及验收规范质量检验评定标准 [多选题]贷前调查是对住房楼盘项目和借款人提供的全部文件、材料的( )以及对借款人的品行、信誉、偿债能力、担保手段落实情况等进行的调查和评估。
A.真实性 B.规范性 C.合法性 D.完整性 E.可行性 [多选题]作息时间表由支队级以上单位按照本条令的规定,依据( ) 等情况制定。
A.季节 B.任务 C.驻地环境 D. 驻地实际 我来回答: 提交