Jan Hendrik Schon’s success seemed too good to be true, and it was. In only fuur years as a physicist at Bell Laboratories, Schon, 32, had co-authored 90 scientific papers—one every 16 days, which astonished his colleagues, and made them suspicious. When one co-worker noticed that the same table of data appeared in two separate papers—which also happened to appear in the two most prestigious scientific journals in the world, Science and Nature—the jig was up. In October 2002, a Bell Labs investigation found that Schon had falsified and fabricated data. His career as a scientist was finished.
If it sounds a lot like the fall of Hwang Woo Suk—the South Korean researcher who fabricated his evidence about cloning human cells—it is. Scientific scandals, which are as old as science itself, tend to follow similar patterns of hubris and comeuppance. Afterwards, colleagues wring their hands and wonder how such malfeasance can be avoided in the f
A. Key scientific journals are authoritative in evaluating scientific papers.
B. Peer-review is the most effective method in evaluating and selecting scientific papers.
C. Scientists are less likely to achieve career success without publications in top papers.
D. Fabricating evidence in scientific researches can be discovered by enough strict evaluation.
The idea of rain making is almost as
old as man, but it was not until 1946 that man succeeded in making rain. In
ancient times, rainmakers claimed(声称) to be able to bring rain by many methods:
dancing, singing, killing various kinds of living creatures (including humans),
and blowing a stream of water into the air from a kind of pipe. More recently, some rainmakers claimed to make rain by shooting guns, causing explosions, or burning chemicals; the smoke of which was supposed to cause rain to fall. These rainmakers asked for as much as 1,000 dollars to make an inch of rain. One was so effective that he was almost hanged. He was believed to have caused a twenty-inch rain in southern California that flooded that land, killed several people, and did millions of dollars’ worth of damage. Before 1946, raimnakers were either liars or honest p A. 50 B. 55 C. 61 D. 70 [不定项选择题]A.环境生疏、受到约束
A.中断与母亲正在建立的相互信任过程 B.惧怕破坏器官功能 C.对体格检查感到害羞 D.所需的外界刺激减少 E.学龄前小儿住院后表现的心理反应是( ) [单项选择]将亲属分为配偶、血亲和姻亲的依据是( )。
A. 亲系 B. 行辈 C. 亲属关系的远近 D. 亲属关系发生的原因 [单项选择]第三届中国成都国际非遗节5月底开幕,请问此节每()年举行一次。
A. 一 B. 两 C. 三 D. 四 [多项选择]下列哪些属于掘进专业煤矿安全生产标准化中工程质量与安全项目的保障机制内容()。
A. 建立工程质量考核制度 B. 建立并执行本岗位安全生产责任 C. 各种检查有现场记录 D. 有班组检查验收记录 [单项选择]甲公司因财务人员张某计算错误,少缴税款2万元,税务机关可以追征税款、滞纳金的时限为()年。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 5 [多项选择]古希腊把“三艺”作为教育内容,这“三艺”是指()。
A. 四书 B. 文法 C. 修辞 D. 辩证法 E. 论语 [多项选择]患者李××,女,34岁。GPAL。因"停经30周,发现羊水过多2周,憋闷不能平卧1日"入院。患者平素体健,无重大病史可载。既往月经规律,未行常规产前检查。2周前超声检查示:"单胎头位,BPD://7.9cm,胎盘位于子宫前壁,下缘距宫颈内口9cm,胎盘Ⅰ级,AFI:25。"口服吲哚美辛,效果不佳。近一日腹胀,憋闷不能平卧就诊。入院查体:T:36.6℃,P:96次/分,R:22次/分,BP:135/80mmHg。神志清。心肺(-),腹部膨隆,宫高34cm,腹围96cm,子宫张力大,胎位扪诊不清。胎心遥远,150次/分。水肿+。复查B超:AFI:29。患者经对症处理,羊水过多的症状有所缓解。经饮食控制5天,测血糖谱:早餐前血糖:5.9mmol/L,早餐后2小时血糖:7.8mmol/L,中餐前血糖:5.4mmol/L,中餐后2小时血糖:6.8mmol/L,晚餐前血糖:6.1mmol/L,晚餐后2小时血糖:8.1mmol/L,晚10点血糖:5.6mmol/L。进一步治疗措施正确的是()。
A. 维持原饮食控制方案 B. 进一步严格控制饮食 C. 首选口服降糖药 D. 胰岛素治疗 E. 监测血糖及酮体 F. 注意防止发生低血糖 G. 注意防止发生酮症酸中毒 [简答题]桥梁泄水管直径应根据实际排水量要求确定,内径不应小于( )。
[判断题]政府会计科目设置要实现预算会计和财务会计双重功能。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列各项指标,不属于投资估算指标内容的是( )。
A. 分部分项工程指标 B. 单位工程指标 C. 单项工程指标 D. 建设项目综合指标 [单选题]在进行大运动量、高强度极限训练时,要做好腰、膝、腕等部位的保护工作。同时密切观察参训人员状况,出现不适症状应(),视情安排休息调整、干预治疗等措施。
A.继续训练 B.立即停训 C.开展其它训练 D.心理辅导 [单项选择]“上(唐太宗)謂侍臣曰:‘薛延陀倔强漠北,今御之止有二策:茍非发兵殄灭之,则与之婚姻以抚之耳。二者何从?’房玄龄对曰:‘中国新定,兵凶战危,臣以为和亲便。’上曰:‘然,朕为民父母,茍可利之,何爱一女?’”此段材料反映了唐太宗()
A. “存百姓”的思想 B. 虚怀纳谏的胸襟 C. “战而后和”的策略 D. 文德治国的思想 [单项选择]2015年,全国网络零售额占社会消费品零售总额的比例达到多少()
A. 11.7% B. 12.8% C. 10.6% D. 13.2% [简答题]为确保事故、故障处理人员人身安全,( )事故损失,压缩故障延时,尽快恢复设备正常使用,减少对铁路运输生产的影响,电务部门、单位必须制定应急预案。
[单选题]海关的电子口岸执法系统目前研制出的一种新型信息系统,其模式为( ).
A.电子底账+联网核查 B.电子底账+网上服务 C.电子底账+联网核查+网上服务 D.以上答案都不对 [单选题]在低压配电装置和低压导线上工作,作业前,应先分清相线、零线,选好工作位置。断开导线时,应( )。搭接导线时,顺序应相反。
A.先断开相线,后断开零线 B.先断开零线,后断开相线 C.同时断开相线和零线 D.先断开中相,后断开边相 [判断题]整组道岔在既有线上做铺设前的纵向移动时,轨枕间或移动前方不得站人。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交