Some of the problems that (41)
people in the U.S. (42) in the cities during old
days are still (43) us -- poor planning, problems in
(44) neighborhoods, and public transportation. (45) was a very important for city governments in the last century, (46) regard to water supplies, it was known that water could be polluted, (47) they didn’t know (48) . Trying to get pure water was a big problem. People like to talk about the (49) old days, but actually, the cities of the 19th century were dirty and, (50) , filthier than today. (51) disease was a great (52) . There was still smallpox(天花) and also yellow fever and malaria. The (53) death rate was high, and there were other dangers as well. (54) true that people were not being killed by cars A. However B. Thus C. So D. Moreover [多选题]周围血管征主要包括( )。
A.水冲脉 B.毛细血管搏动征 C.枪击音 D.Duroziez双重音 [单选题]在信息系统上的工作,应填用信息工作票、( )和使用其他书面记录或按口头、电话命令执行方式进行。
A.信息工作任务单 B.信息操作单 C.信息工作任务书 D.书面传达执行 E.略 F.略 [简答题] 车站发现分路不良现象并登记:×时×分,发现×(轨道区段名称),×(属性)×(现象)时,电务的三种销记用语
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]化学灼伤时,应迅速(),清除皮肤上的化学药品,并用大量干净的水冲洗
A.A.200g/L的硼酸溶液淋洗 B.B.30g/L碳酸氢钠溶液淋洗 C.C.20g/L醋酸溶液淋洗 D.D.解脱衣服 [单选题]中兴路由器使用( )查看系统CPU利用率。
A.showprocessor B.showipintbrinf C.showCPU D.showiprouter [简答题]管式加热炉的完好标准有哪些主要内容?
[单选题]以下说法正确的是( )
A.肠造口宜于腹直肌上,避开疤痕、褶皱、骨隆突或腰带等部位 B.回肠造口在左下腹脐与髂前上棘连线中上1/3 C.横结肠造口宜在上腹部以脐和肋缘分别做一水平线,两线之间,且旁开脐中线5-7cm D.造口定位以患者取半坐卧位、坐位、弯腰、站立等不同体位时能看到造口为宜 我来回答: 提交