Companies have embarked on what looks
like the beginnings of a re-run of the mergers and acquisitions (M&A) wave
that defined the second bubbly half of the 1990s. That period, readers might
recall, was characterized by a collective splurge that saw the creation of some
of the most indebted companies in history, many of which later went bankrupt or
were themselves broken up. Wild bidding for teleeoms, internet and media
as- sets, not to mention the madness that was Daimler’ s $ 40 billion motoring
takeover in 1998—1999 of Chrysler or the Time-Warner/AOL megs-merger in 2000,
helped to give mergers a thoroughly bad name. A consensus emerged that M&A
was a great way for in- vestment banks to reap rich fees, and a sure way for
ambitious managers to betray investors by trashing the value of their
shares. Now M&A is back. Its return is a gl A. M&A’ s poor reputation deserves a thorough analysis by telecoms and internet B. the typical note of caution is always overlooked in terms of controversial debate C. the latest cycle of European mergers will not produce better results D. the unveiling of hostile bid in Europe will help relieve enterprises of their financial dilemma [单选题]《安徽农村商业银行系统信贷责任认定办法》规定,执行一票否决权的领导对于明显不符合产业政策和监管规定的信贷业务未行使一票否决权的,执行一票否决权的( )承担主要责任。
A.A、行长 B.分管行长 C.领导和授信委员会主任 D.领导 [判断题]《铁路交通事故调查处理规则》规定,自轮运转设备违规挂运造成事故的,定编入或同意放行的单位责任。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列整理剂既可作拒水剂又可作柔软剂的是()
A. 聚氨基甲酸酯 B. 有机硅类 C. CMC D. 甲壳素 [多选题]全部工作完毕,工作班应清扫、整理现场。工作负责人应先周密地检查,待全体作业人员撤离工作地点后,再向 ( )交待所修项目、发现的问题、试验试运结果和存在的问题等,并与运行人员共同检查( )状况、状态,有无遗留物件,是否清洁等,然后在工作票上填明结束时间,经双方签名后 , 并加盖“已终结”印章,表示工作终结。
A.A.运行人员 B.B.工作许可人 C.C.维修设备 D.D.设备 [多项选择]对企业预期收益趋势的总体分析,还需注意( )。
A. 对企业评估基准日审计后的财务报表进行调整 B. 客观收益的调整仅作为评估人员进行企业预期收益预测的参考依据 C. 企业提供的预期收益的预测是评估人员的唯一根据 D. 评估人员必须到企业现场进行实地考察和现场调研 E. 评估人员在出评估报告时,应将初稿的初步结论和委托方交换意见 [多项选择]下列选项中,哪些是属于国际结算中的货币清算系统?()