Hazardous products are being pushed on
the Third World in increasing volume. There are many examples of these:
pharmaceutical (处方的) drugs, contraceptives (避孕药) and pesticides banned years ago
in Europe, America, or Japan but sold by companies of these same countries to
the Third World; cigarettes with a far higher tar(焦油) and nicotine contents than
in the rich countries. The health effects on Third World peoples are
terrible. The hazardous technologies and products imported from the industrialized countries often displace local technologies and products that may be more appropriate to meet the production and consumption needs of the Third World. Labor intensive technologies that provide employment for the community and are in harmony with the environment are replaced with capital intensive modern technologies that in man A. Too many modem industrial products pour into the Third World causing environmental problems. B. Poor modem products are now being pushed on the Third World by industrialized countries. C. Dangerous modem technologies and products are thrust upon the Third World without caring people. D. Appropriate modem drugs, pesticides, cigarettes and milk products are sold to the Third World. [单选题] 抽汲中途顶抽子时,预示要( ),应继续快起。
A.井喷 B.井漏 C.溢流 D.放喷 [判断题]国家综合性消防救援队伍的内务建设,是进行各项建设的基础( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]总体上讲,第三方物流供应商市场()。
A. 相当成熟 B. 已经成熟 C. 还相对比较年轻 D. 相当不成熟 [单选题]上海铁路局关于印发《上海铁路局动车组列车给水、卸污安全卡控措施》的通知(上铁客〔2017〕2号)规定,列车长接到()给水(卸污)作业完毕的通知,并确认旅客上下完毕后通知司机(按钮不在司机操作台上的,为随车机械师)关闭车门。
A.车站值班员 B.助理值班员 C.客运值班(客运)员 D.上水员 [单选题]最适合扑灭由钠或镁金属造成的火灾的灭火器是()。
A.二氧化碳灭火器 B.泡剂灭火器 C.特别成分粉剂灭火器 [单项选择]单侧下肢无力而不能部分或完全负重的患者适用()
A. 三足手杖 B. 腋杖 C. 单足手杖 D. 四足手杖 E. 以上均不正确 我来回答: 提交