In every cultivated language there are
two great classes of words. They, taken together,{{U}} (26) {{/U}}the
whole vocabulary. First, there are those words{{U}} (27) {{/U}}which we
become familiar in ordinary conversation, which, we learn,{{U}} (28)
{{/U}}is to say, from the members of our own family and from our friends,
and which we should know and use{{U}} (29) {{/U}}we could not road or
write. They .{{U}} (30) {{/U}}the common things of life, and are the
stock in trade of{{U}} (31) {{/U}}who speak the language. Such words may
be called "popular", since they belong to the people{{U}} (32) {{/U}}and
are not the{{U}} (33) {{/U}}of a limited class only. On the other hand, our language A. pattern B. style C. type D. sort [单项选择]可能造成轻度环境影响的建设项目,应当编制( ),对环境影响进行评价。
A. 环境影响报告书 B. 环境影响登记书 C. 环境影响登记表 D. 环境影响报告表 [单选题]柜面电子印章的维护包括柜面电子印章( )和机构维护。
A.模板维护 B.时间维护 C.机构维护 D.类型维护 [单选题]下列不属于消防安全重点部位的是( )。
A.变电所 B.车站多功能室 C.气瓶间 D.蓄电池间 [多选题]国际公约中规定有运输工具动植物检疫内容包括:____。
A.生物多样性公约 B.国际植物保护公约 C.国际船舶压载水和沉积物控制和管理公约 D.联合国海洋法公约 [单选题]职业技能鉴定是按照国家规定的职业标准,通过政府授权的( ),对劳动者的专业知识和技能水平进行客观公正、科学规范地评价与认证的活动。
A.鉴定中心 B.培训中心 C.培训机构 D.考核鉴定机构 [判断题]根据《长沙穗城轨道交通有限公司人员服务管理办法》:地下车站环控系统故障导致车站温度高于31℃时由线路所辖部门分管经理决定高温区域是否佩戴工帽。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]社会保险基金预算、决算草案的( ),依照法律和国务院规定执行。
A.编制 B.审核 C.批准 [单项选择]金融机构应当将客户身份资料,自业务关系当年或一次性交易记账计起至少保存()。
A. 10年 B. 5年 C. 15年 [单项选择] There are five basic functions of a newspaper: to inform, to comment, to persuade, to instruct and 【B1】 . You may well think this list of functions is 【B2】 . order of importance but, if so, you would not be 【B3】 agreement with the majority of the reading public. 【B4】 . the two broad kinds of newspapers, the popular and the quality, the former 【B5】 . a readership of millions, while 【B6】 , only hundreds of thousands. Yet the popular papers seem largely 【B7】 . for entertainment. Their news coverage contains 【B8】 comment and persuasive language. The quality news- papers 【B9】 . a much higher value on information and a much lower one on entertainment.
It is not only in content 【B10】 the two types of paper differ. There is a 【B11】 in the style in which the articles 【B12】 .The popular papers generally use more dramatic 【B13】 with a lot of word - play. Their reporters tend 【B14】 shorter sentences and 【B15】 less well-known vocabulary. This 【B16】 . that poplar newspapers are easier for a n
A. to entertain B. entertaining C. entertain D. entertainment [单选题]下列设备中能自动切断短路电流的是()。
A.自动空气断路器 B.接触器 C.漏电保护器 D.刀闸 [单项选择]外圆车刀,前,后刀面的交线是()
A. 主刀刃 B. 副刀刃 C. 切削刀 D. 副切刃 [单选题]“实事求是”一词出自哪部典籍?
A.《左传》 B. 《战国策》 C. 《史记》 D.《汉书》 [单选题]在没有脚手架或者在没有围栏的脚手架上工作,高度超过()时,应使用安全带,或采取其他可靠的安全措施。
A.1.5m B.1.2m C.1.0m D.0.8m [单项选择]
主要分布在澳洲的一组动物是(). A. ②⑤⑨ B. ③④⑦ C. ⑥⑦⑧ D. ①②③ [单项选择]Despite the scandals over leaked e-mails, the scientific evidence for global warming remains strong. The question, then, is to what (62) have the controversies eroded (消弱) the public’s trust in climate science or, worse, in the scientists themselves
There has (63) been some decline. (64) , a closer look at the data across multiple polls shows that, broadly speaking, the public trusts scientists, believes in global warming and wants governments to do something about it. The public seems to have done what the mainstream media could not: it has kept the scandals in (65) . The harsh verbal attacks (66) climate science and scientists are actually coming from a (67) handful of critics, and they do not (68) a broader revival of skepticism. Yet few climate scientists are likely to take (69) in this news. For them, the real (70) of public trust is the level of political (71) on global warming: if p [单项选择]患者,男,52岁,耳鸣,隆隆不断,按之不成,伴头胀,面赤,咽干,烦躁易怒,舌红,脉弦。除主穴外,不应加用()
A. 风池、风府 B. 太冲、丘墟 C. 外关、合谷 D. 大椎、合谷 E. 肾俞、关元 [单选题]最早提出业务流程重组的人是( )o
A.迈克尔.哈默 B.迈克尔.波特 C.德鲁克 D.朱兰 [单项选择]油气管线发生爆炸事故后,各种有毒有害物质由管线喷出,可能会污染周围的大气、土地及()。
A. 水田 B. 旱田 C. 水源 D. 空气 [单项选择]下列关于复制、转录和翻译的说法正确的是()
A. 三个过程在所有生活细胞都能进行 B. 三个过程发生的场所都是细胞溶胶 C. 三个过程都要通过碱基互补配对来完成 D. 复制和转录的模板相同,而与翻译的模板不同 [单项选择]诊断肾小管酸中毒Ⅱ型可采用下列哪项检查()。
A. NH4C1试验 B. 内生肌酐清除率测定 C. NaHCO3再吸收试验 D. 酚红排泄试验 E. 肾素血管紧张素醛固酮测定 [单项选择]中毒型细菌性痢疾最早出现的症状是
A. 腹泻 B. 呕吐 C. 腹痛 D. 高热 E. 呼吸衰竭 [单选题]在离接触网带电部分不到( )m的建筑物上作业时,必须按规定办理接触网停电申请手续,得到许可停电施工命令,并有接触网工区派人安设临时接地线后,方能施工。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [名词解释]Smith骨折
A.选中的一列 B.选中的一行 C.单元格指针选定的一个 D.选中的区域 [单项选择]Why ______ such a lot of money
A. you spend B. to spending C. spend D. spending [单选题]消防员呼救器允许静止时间:( ),预报警时间:15s±3s。
A.30s±5s B.35s±5s C.25s±5s D.30s±3s [单选题]①语言是符号体系,而每一种语言的符号体系都带着文化的烙印,都是这种语言的共同体集体认知的结果,都是文化的载体,这是语言的“体”
A.②①⑤④③ B.④①⑤②③ C.②⑤①③④ D.④②①⑤③ [判断题].一般容积泵不选用串联操作。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]离散型分布
A. 教育基本法 B. 主要教育法律 C. 教育行政法规 D. 教育行政规章 [判断题]LAC20233验电时,必须用电压等级合适且合格的验电器。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]施工现场内易燃易爆物品的库房及料场、木工操作间、厨房、配电室、泵房等重要场所的灭火器数量( )。
A.不应少于2具 B.不应少于3具 C.不应少于4具 D.不应少于5具 [单选题] 带电作业所使用绝缘操作杆的最小有效绝缘长度为:66kV()m,110kV()m。
A.0.9;2.1 B.1.0;1.3 C.0.9;1.3 D.1.0;2.1 [单项选择]Optimistic Prognosis
Most doctors are too optimistic in predicting how long dying patients have to live, and this has a negative effect on the care they receive in their final days, American researchers said Friday.
A study by scientists at the University of Chicago Medical Center in Illinois showed that of the survival estimates for 486 terminally ill patients given by 343 doctors, _________(46).
_________ (47). And in some cases doctors predicted patients had five time longer to live than proved to be the case.
"Doctors are inaccurate in their prognoses (预后) for terminally ill patients and the error is systematically optimistic," professor Nicholas Christakis and Dr Elizabeth Lamont said in a report in The British Medical Journal.
The researchers added that doctors who knew their patients best were more likely to get it wrong.
"_________(48) ,the type of systematic bias toward optimism that we have found in doctors’ objective prognostic assessments may b
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