Only three strategies are available for
controlling cancer: prevention, screening and treatment. Lung cancer causes more
deaths than any other types of cancer. A major cause of the disease is not
{{U}} (21) {{/U}} known; there is no good evidence that screening is much
helpful, and treatment {{U}} (22) {{/U}} in about 90 percent of all
cases. At present, therefore, the main strategy must be {{U}} (23) {{/U}}
. This may not always be true, of course, as for some other types of cancer,
research {{U}} (24) {{/U}} the past few decades has produced (or
suggested) some importance in prevention, screening or treatment. {{U}} (25) {{/U}}, however, we consider not what research may one day offer but what today’s knowledge could already deliver th A. trouble B. margins C. impact D. threat [判断题]“35kV非晶合金变压器、移动变电站和站用变成套柜”属于总部集中采购目录清单范围。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]何谓解表剂?其主治范围有哪些?
[多选题]信念强调的是( )
A.知识的丰富性 B.意志的坚定性 C.思想的正确性 D.情感的倾向性 [单项选择]相对于绿地投资,下面描述中不属于跨国购并特点的是()
A. 快速进入东道国市场 B. 风险低,成功率高 C. 减少竞争 D. 便于取得战略资产 [单选题]窦性心律心电图特征以下不符合( )。
A.P波频率在60~100次/分 B.PR间期0.12~0.20s C.同导联P波形态一致 D.P波消失 [单选题]变化的电压信号通过高速度高精度的( )转换成数字信号。
A.A/D转换器 B.单片机电路 C.放大电路 [简答题]简述分相接线方式和简化接线方式的定义?
[单项选择]The new equipment makes()to melt the metal.
A. possibly B. it possible C. it is possible D. being possible [单选题]音乐课程的四个教学领域是( )
A.感受与欣赏、表现、创造、音乐与相关文化 B.感受与鉴赏、表现、创造、音乐与相关文化 C.感受与鉴赏、表现、创作、音乐与相关文化 D.感受与鉴赏、表现、创作、音乐与姊妹艺术 [单项选择]疑为髌骨骨折时常规检查应注意()。
A. 常规正侧位片 B. 加照髌骨轴位片 C. 加照膝关节侧位片 D. 应作CT检查 E. 应作MRI检查 [单选题]【单选题】目前多旋翼飞行器飞控市场上的 KK 飞控具有的优点是()
A.价格便宜,硬件结构简单 B.配有地面站软件,代码开源 C.功能强大,可以实现全自主飞行 [多选题]施工单位履行施工安全风险管理主体责任,()所承揽项目各施工项目部施工安全风险管理工作。
A.指导 B.检查 C.评价 D.考核 E.略 F.略 [判断题]任何人发现火灾时,都应当立即报警,任何单位、个人都应当无偿为报警提供便利,不得阻挠报警,严禁谎报火警。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]带有注有的车辆连挂其他车辆时,应在( )处停车后,再行连挂作业。
A.十车 B.五车 C.四车 D.三车 [单项选择]Insurance policies usually contain a (56) clause that excludes a fixed amount of the loss from (57) Casualty insurance policies frequently contain a coinsurance clause in the contract. A coinsurance clause provides that the insurance company shall be liable (58) only a portion of any loss (59) by the insured unless the insured carries insurance which totals a certain percent, frequently 80-90 percent of the fair value of the asset. In the (60) of a loss, the insured recovers from the insurance company that portion of the loss which the face of the insurance policy bears to the amount of insurance that should be carried as required by the coinsurance clause.
A. to B. with C. in D. for [单选题]点火前锅炉冷炉首次上水时,水位在水位表中的位置最好是( )
A.小型干粉车 B.大型干粉车 C.泡沫-干粉联用车 D.所有干粉车 [单项选择]下列管道中()属于长输管道。
A. 油井集输管道 B. 气井集输管道 C. 油气处理厂管道 D. 城际输油管道 我来回答: 提交