The News Industry in US Why do so many Americans distrust what they read in their newspapers The American Society of Newspaper Editors is trying to answer this painful question. The organization is deep into a long serf-analysis known as the journalism credibility project. Sad to say, this project has turned out to be mostly low-level findings about factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes, combined with lots of head-scratching puzzlement about what in the world those readers really want. But the sources of distrust go way deeper. Most journalists learn to see the world through a set of standard templates (patterns) into which they plug each day’s events. In other words, there is a conventional story line in the newsroom cultu A. working attitude B. conventional lifestyle C. world outlook D. educational background [多项选择]患者男,59岁,因“左前臂进行性肿胀、变硬2个月”来诊。2个月前患者自觉左前臂远端皮肤肿胀、发红,微痒,无发热、疼痛。给予抗生素静脉滴注1周,效果不佳。半个月前皮损波及手背,手背红肿、发硬,不能捏起,握拳困难,遂来我院就诊。发病前皮损部位无外伤史。否认系统性疾病及药物过敏史。查体:T36.5℃;系统检查无异常。皮肤科查体:左前臂近腕部及手背、手掌弥漫性肿胀,呈暗红色,界限不清,局部有轻压痛,不能捏起;左前臂中上段屈侧可见长5cm手术瘢痕。实验室检查:血常规:嗜酸粒细胞计数0.57×109/L;ESR40mm/h;肝、肾功能,血糖,免疫球蛋白均在正常范围;ANA、抗dsDNA、抗ENA抗体均(-)。胸部X线片、腹部B超及ECG均正常。此时可选择的进一步治疗方案包括(提示予以泼尼松40mg/d口服,1周后,患者左前臂肿胀无明显消退。)()。
A. 甲泼尼龙冲击疗法 B. 加用霉酚酸酯口服 C. 可考虑同时使用抗肿瘤坏死因子-α治疗 D. 同时口服环孢素A E. 免疫球蛋白冲击治疗 F. 加强抗生素的使用 [单选题]固定架车机操作过程中, 在空载试机时,必须启用一次“( )”,测试其是否有效,然后恢复其原位。
A.系统启动 B.急停 C.紧急按钮 D.ON [判断题]植物应对气候和环境变化的基础研究是未来植物科学的导向之一。
[填空题]Scientists say they have high hopes for a drug that could one day provide a new form of treatment for HIV-A1DS. A compound, which interferes with an elusive protein used by the HIV virus to infect human cells, has worked extremely well in monkeys. If the drug proves effective in human trials, scientists say, it could bolster (加强) the effectiveness of two existing AIDS drugs, particularly in fighting drug-resistant strains of the virus.
Researchers at the pharmaceutical (制药的) company Merck are very excited about an experimental drug, which has worked as well in monkeys infected with a primate version of the virus as any of the existing anti-AIDS drugs. It works by blocking one of three proteins, or enzymes, the HIV virus uses to gain entrance into and infect human immune system cells. Inhibitor drugs have been developed to block two of the proteins, to slow progression of the disease after infection. They have become standard therapy as a "cocktail" for people infec [单选题]柜员可通过( )交易中选择“更换凭证”办理开具单位定期存单业务.
A.1002 B.29102 C.1022 D.1027 [多选题]《教师法》规定的义务有( )。
A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E [判断题]道岔故障情况下的操作为就地手摇、人工锁闭。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]运输大巷一般布置在阶段的( )。
A.A.上部 # B.B.中部 # C.C.下部 [单项选择]采煤工作面上风巷的净高不得低于()。
A. 2米 B. 1.8米 C. 1.6米 D. 1.5米 [简答题]行政执法文书送达的标准?
[判断题]正常运行或故障时,不会引起周围爆炸性混合物爆炸的电气设备称防爆电气设备。 (判断题)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在Photoshop中,选中“放大镜”工具后,属性面板上共有三个选项,其中“打印尺寸”表示()。
A. 将当前窗口缩放成1:1 B. 将当前窗口缩放成屏幕大小 C. 将当前窗口缩放成打印分辨率 D. 其他选项都不对 [单项选择]阳痿日久加用蜈蚣、川芎是为了()
A. 通络止痛 B. 疏肝理气 C. 祛风通络 D. 通络化瘀 E. 温肾壮阳 [单项选择]香橼除疏肝理气外,又能()
A. 发表散寒 B. 调经止痛 C. 和中化痰 D. 杀虫疗癣 E. 消食 [单项选择]为了证明原检验数据和结果的可靠性和真实性而进行的检验是
A. 进出口检验 B. 抽查性检验 C. 委托检验 D. 复核检验 E. 技术仲裁检验 [多项选择]司法活动的质量取决于司法工作人员对法律的认识和把握水平,真正做到()才能把案子办好。
A. 不生搬硬套法律条文 B. 通过现象,看到本质 C. 死扣法律条文 D. 融会贯通法律精神 [单选题]下列哪项不是驱使血液在动脉系统流动的因素?( )
A.外周动脉的血管张力 B.左心室的收缩力 C.主动脉血管壁的收缩力 D.左心室舒张期存在于动脉系统内的舒张期压力 [单选题]在330kV线路上进行带电作业,其保护间隙的整定值为( )m。
A. 0.7~0.8 B.1.0~1.1 C.1.3 D.2.3 [单选题]上行文是指( )。
A.向具有隶属关系的上级单位报送的文件 B.向所属被领导单位或组织发出的文件 C.向一切比本单位级别层次高的单位发出的文件 D.向一切比本单位级别层次低的单位发出的文件 [单选题]电流所通过的路径称为( )
A.电流 B.电路 C.电压 D.电阻 我来回答: 提交