Many A decade ago, at a time when plaices like Ivory
Coast and Equatorial Guinea were being largely ignored by the petroleum world
majors in favor of proven mega-sources like Nigeria and Angola--and when their
drilling sites could thus be leased for a relative song--Joe Bruso helped put
these states back on the map. Bruso was part of a small team working for United
Meridian Corp. (later acquired by Ocean Energy) that helped discover and develop
the big Zafiro field off Equatorial Guinea. The impact for that country of half
a million people, Bruso said in a phone interview from Houston, "has been
extraordinary", it was not uninteresting for United Meridian either. Meantime,
Ivory Coast, where Bruso and his partner, Coy H. Squyres, discovered the
Panthere gas condensate and Lion oil fields, went within a few years A. New finds in West Africa set off an offshore land rush. B. Bruso helped the development of West African oil. C. Full-fledged makeover of the U.S. strategic relationship with Africa is badly needed. D. West Africa’s petroleum potential: a classic win-win situation. [多选题]有限空间作业应坚持的原则,作业前应进行风险辨识,分析有限 空间内气体种类并进行评估监测,做好记录。
A.先通风 B.再检测 C.后作业 D.后监护 [单选题]某项目当前的PV=150、AC=120、EV=140,则项目的绩效情况是 ( ) 。
A.进度超前,成本节约 B.进度滞后,成本超支 C.进度超前,成本超支 D.进度滞后,成本节约 [单项选择]RNC的处理容量可根据()的数量进行扩展。
A. MS B. ES C. SCB D. SPB [判断题]某35KV线路发生两相接地短路,则其零序电流保护和距离保护都应动作。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]消防战士李隆:火场、废墟,有多少次出生入死,就有多少次不离不弃。他用希望______希望,用生命______生命。
填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( ) A. 点燃 换回 B. 带来 挽救 C. 扩展 激活 D. 连接 拯救 [单项选择]乙型肝炎病毒属于下列哪一科的病毒( )
A. DNA病毒科 B. 嗜肝DNA病毒科 C. 微小RNA病毒科 D. 小RNA病毒科 E. 逆转录病毒科 [单选题] 采用()电源焊接时,钨极烧损大,钨极氩弧焊很少采用。
A.直流正接 B.直流反接 C.交流 [判断题]在配电网工程投运后必须安排运维人员对新设备运维进行培训。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]一只进口表的常数是C=720Ws/r,它相当于()imp/kWh。
A.5000 B.720000 C.2592 D.2000 [单选题]《高速铁路接触网运行维修规则》规定:单开、对称(双开)道岔的交叉线岔两工作支中,任一工作支的垂直投影距另一股道线路中心600~1050mm的区域内不得安装除( )(必需时)外的其他线夹。
A.定位线夹 B.吊弦线夹 C.中锚接线夹 D.弹吊线夹 [单选题]银行网点为扩大业务利用节假日在附近社区开展营销活动以下做法中不符合《商业银行外部营销业务指导意见》的是( )
A.介绍本银行综合信息 B.推介银行产品 C.分发空白的金融产品与服务的申请文件 D.收取已经消费者填写的金融产品与服务的申请文件 [多项选择]驾驶员应具备的气质有()。
A. 谨慎尽职、遵章守纪 B. 精力充沛、情绪稳定 C. 激动、急躁 D. 固执、鲁莽 我来回答: 提交