Economic Reform in China{{/B}} More US sinologists have expressed confidence in China’s economic reform and the prospects for China’s modernization. "If the reforms are implemented, "said Doak Barnett, professor of Johns Hopkins University, they would {{U}} (51) {{/U}} the trend towards more significant and the broader economic ties between China and the United States, which will have in some respects, a favorable impact {{U}} (52) {{/U}} political relations. "Also these {{U}} (53) {{/U}} will reinforce trend for China to become more steadily involved in the international economics and the international community." Barnett believes the {{U}} (54) {{/U}} is desirable, from China’s point of {{U}} (55) {{/U}}, and for the inte A. cooperation B. association C. trend D. start [单项选择]工程量清单是招标文件的组成部分,其组成不包括( )。
A. 分部分项工程量清单 B. 措施项目清单 C. 其他项目清单 D. 直接工程费用清单 [单项选择]较大的骨科手术应预防使用抗生素,下述什么时间使用是最有效的()
A. 术前3天 B. 术前1天 C. 术前0.5~1小时 D. 术后立即 E. 与用药时间无关 [单选题]日常调度运输组织中发生的运用机车回送,原则上应按( )方式,无动力附挂时不得跨牵引区段。
A.单机或附挂 B.附挂 C.无动力附挂 [多选题]《信贷业务“双录”管理办法(试行)》规定:信贷双录内容包括但不限于( )等环节。
A.审查审批 B.客户面谈面签 C.证件审核 D.合同签订 [简答题]如果有两个航路点或更多的标识符相同,则如何?
[多选题]班计划主要包括( )。
A.列车到达计划 B.列车出发计划 C.卸车计划 D.装车计划 [单项选择]In November the European Parliament’s culture and education committee is due to move forward on its proposed "audiovisual media services" directive, before sending it to the full parliament in December. The new rules update and relax the "Television Without Frontiers" directive of 1989, which opened Europe’s national markets. But critics complain that they also seek to extend fusty regulations from the era of broadcast television to today’s very different technologies. Rules on advertising, the protection of children and so on could potentially also apply to all kinds of video streams, including video blogs, online games and mobile-video services.
This could have a chilling effect on innovation and risks stifling emerging technologies with rules designed for another age, says Chris Marsden of RAND Europe, a think-tank that has analysed the potential impact of the proposed rules for Ofcom, Britain’s media and telecoms regulator. "Regulators have to be thoughtful. They cannot predi A. rules designed for another age is still available B. "Television Without Frontiers" directive of 1989 has stifled new technologies emerging C. regulators should be more forecastable so they can design better rules of television and other media D. regulations must be realistic because no one can not predict the future [单项选择]进行故障树分析作图的关键问题是:()
A. 分析技术系统逻辑关系 B. 知道图的符号 C. 能画出优美的故障树图 [单选题]治疗低钾血症下列哪项是错误的
A.尽可能口服补钾 B.严重低钾时直接静脉推注10%氯化钾 C.静脉补钾要求尿量>40毫升/h D.滴速控制在每分钟30-60滴 E.每日补钾不超过6-8克 [多选题]支气管哮喘常见的诱因有:( )
A.感染:主要是病毒感染 B.食物如鱼虾蛋奶等 C.花粉、动物毛屑等 D.空气寒冷 [简答题]装甲输送车
A. 表头被短路 B. 整流器击穿 C. 串联电阻值便打 D. 串联电阻断开 [单选题]允许速度大于120km/h线路,无垫层时碎石道床厚度不得小于( )mm。
A.300 B.350 C.400 D.450 E.500 F.600 [单选题]痢疾可选用的治疗药物是( )
A.青霉素 B.呋喃西林 C.呋喃妥因 D.呋喃唑酮 E.以上药物均可 [单项选择]
A. 扩血管药物 B. 选择性动脉造影 C. 钡灌肠 D. 胃肠减压 [判断题] 重点论坛网站《凯迪社区》服务器不位于北京。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]形成性评价是教学的重要组成部分和推动因素,可采取描述性评价、等级评价和______等评价记录方式。
A. dUMP B. TMP C. IDP D. dUDP E. dCMP [简答题]简述交感神经和副交感神经的区别。
A.灵敏板温度 B.浮阀塔 C.泡罩塔 D.舌板塔 [单项选择]阿米巴具有传染性而无致病性的是其:()
A. 包囊 B. 小滋养体 C. 大滋养体 D. 三者均不是 [多选题]《供电营业规则》中规定的违约责任有 () 。
A.电力运行事故责任 B.用电有违约用电责任 C.频率质量责任 D.用电人逾期交付电费责任 [判断题]( )高速铁路应根据道床脏污程度有计划地进行清筛,保持道床弹性和排水良好,防止轨枕空吊和道床翻浆。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]测量带电线路导线对地面、建筑物、树木的距离以及导线与导线的交叉跨越距离时,禁止使用普通绳索、线尺等非绝缘工具。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]按波长和频率,射频辐射分为不同的波段,医疗卫生上主要用于消毒、灭菌与理疗等的波段为( )。
A. 高频电磁场 B. 中高频电磁场 C. 超高频电磁场 D. 微波 [单项选择]对于一组多选按钮,不允许用户进行的操作是()
A. 可以全部不选 B. 可以全部选定 C. 可以选定其中若干项 D. 关闭此多选按钮 [简答题]某脱硫厂回收装置的酸气进气量为4428m3/h,硫磺产量为2560kg/h,酸气含H2S为50%,求硫收率。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列哪些材料是申请改派的必备资料()
A. 原报到证 B. 主管部门的接收函 C. 用工合同 D. 原主管部门开具的同意改派函 [单项选择]关于等渗性缺水,说法正确的是
A. 水和钠按其在血液中的正常比例丢失 B. 外科临床中较少见 C. 血浆渗透压明显改变 D. 血清钠浓度明显降低 E. 血清钠浓度明显增高 我来回答: 提交