患者,女,78岁,高血压30余年。测BP 200/95mmHg。服用降压药物后2h,起立时摔倒,伴头晕,平卧5min后症状好转。无语言及肢体活动障碍。 |
For admissions officers reviewing
applications is like final-exam week for students--except it lasts for months.
Great applications tell us we’ve done our job well, by attracting top-caliber
students. But it’s challenging to maintain the frenetic pace without forgetting
these are all real people with real aspirations--people whose life stories we
are here to unravel, if they will let us. The essay is a key piece of learning those life stories. I live near Los Angeles, where every day screenplays are read without regard for human context. The writer’s life and dreams don’t matter--all that mat ters is the writing, the ideas, the end product. On the other hand, in reading essays, context does matter: who wrote this We are driven to put the jigsaw puzzle together because we think we are building a commun A. there might be some obvious weaknesses in his essay. B. the officer might see signs of erasure on the essay paper. C. there is no proof that the applicant has such writing ability. D. the applicant may not bring his argument to a natural conclusion. [多选题]根据火灾烟气的毒害性,可分为哪些( )。
A.缺氧 B.毒害 C.尘害 D.高温 [判断题]雷电时禁止倒闸作业(远动装置除外)和更换熔丝。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]请列举出至少3种SV品质异常的原因
[单选题]危险源分析根据危险程度和发生的频率,识别为重大危险源和()。 ( )
A.特大危险源 B.较大危险源 C.一般危险源 D.可控危险源 [单选题](47701)提速道岔改道作业时,应采用调整不同号码轨距块的方法进行。调整量不足时可加垫片调整,但
厚度不得超过( )mm。(1.0分) A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [简答题]最早的红白机游戏超级玛丽由日本哪家知名游戏制作公司出品
[简答题]某新建项目设计生产能力为550万吨/年。总投资140000万元,其中建设投资125000万元,建设期利息5300万元,流动资金9700万元。根据融资方案,资本金占项目总投资的比例为35%,由A、B两个股东直接投资,其资金成本采用资本资产定价模型进行确定,其中社会无风险投资收益率为3%,市场投资组合预期收益率为8%,项目投资风险系数参照该行业上市公司的平均值取1;项目其余投资来自银行长期贷款,贷款年利率为7%,所得税税率为25%。 项目达到正常生产年份的营业总收入为125000万元,营业税金及附加1200万元,固定成本42.500万元,可变成本21000万元。(收入和成本均以不含增值税价格表示) 在对项目进行不确定性分析时,设定投资不变,预测产品售价和经营成本发生变化的概率见表8。 表8 可能事件及其对应的财务净现值