Prince Klemens Von ,Metternich, foreign
minister of the Austrian Empire during the Napoleonic era and its aftermath,
would have no trouble recognizing Google. To him, the world’s most popular
web-search engine would closely resemble the Napoleonic France that in his youth
humiliated Austria and Europe’s other. powers. Its rivals—Yahoo!, the largest of
the traditional web gateways, eBay, the biggest online auction and trading site,
and Microsoft, a software empire that owns MSN, a struggling web
portal—would look a lot like Russia, Prussia, and Austria. Metternich responded
by forging an alliance among those three monarchies to create a "balance of
power" against France. Google’s enemies, he might say, ought now to do the same
thing. Google announced two new conquests on August 7th. It struck a deal with Viacom, an "old" media firm, u A. eBay should further cooperate with Google to survive. B. eBay should form an alliance with Yahoo ! or Microsoft. C. Google is making smaller revenues than eBay. D. Google’s core business has already shrank by 3%. [单选题]确定城市输配系统的压力级制.管径.燃气管网.构筑物及防护和管理措施,都与所使用燃气的( )有关。
A.温度 B.种类 C.含湿量 D.压力 [单选题]编入直通货物列车时,△5与△7( )。
A.不隔离 B.不能编入同一列车 C.至少隔离2辆 D.至少隔离4辆 [判断题]民用核安全设备焊工、焊接操作工可以同时在两个以上单位执业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下面哪种说法是不正确的?()
A. 渗透探伤前零件清理不主张采用喷砂 B. 因为渗透剂是油基的,所以渗透前没有必要将零件表面的油膜去除 C. 用蒸汽除油法去除零件表面的油污 D. 如果电源电压波动,黑光灯应使用一个稳压器 [多选题]血尿的常见病因有( )
A.泌尿系感染 B.泌尿系结石 C.泌尿系肿瘤 D.泌尿系外伤 E.泌尿系结核病 [单选题]以2号线电客车为例,再生制动时最大允许电压是( )
A.DC1500 B.DC1950V C.DC1100 D.DC1800 [单选题]消防控制室实行( )小时专人值班制度,每班不得小于()人。(1分)
A.8、1 B.12、1 C.18、2 D.24、2 我来回答: 提交