其广告文稿属何种表现形式{{B}}Passage One{{/B}} {{B}}Questions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage.{{/B}} There is a phenomena ill the present. The average number of authors on scientific papers is skyrocketing. What is the main reason for it That’s partly because labs are bigger, problems are more complicated, and more different subspecialties are needed. But it’s also because US government agencies like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have started to promote "team science". As physics developed in the post-World War Ⅱ era, federal funds built expensive national facilities, and these served as surfaces on which collaborations could crystallize naturally. Yet multiple authorship--however good it may be in other ways presents for journals and for the institutions in which these authors work. For the journals, long lists of authors are hard to de A. allocate the responsibility if the paper goes wrong B. decide on how much contribution each reviewer has made C. assign the roles that the different authors are to play D. correspond with the authors when the readers feel the need to [单项选择]在下列道路面层类型中,( )为高级路面。
A. 沥青灌人碎(砾)石路面 B. 路拌沥青碎石路面 C. 泥结碎(砾)石路面 D. 水泥混凝土路面 [单选题]防喷器控制装置的蓄能器充油升压后,油压稳不住,压力表不断降压的原因是( )。
A.吸入滤清器堵死 B.三位四通转阀手柄未扳到位 C.油箱油量极少或无油 D.进油阀微开 [填空题]道床横向阻力是阻止线路( )的重要因素,对无缝线路的稳定起保证作用。
[多选题]在实现理想的过程中,需要认识和做到( )。
A.正确认识理想与现实的关系 B.现实是理想的基础,理想是未来的现实 C.勇于实践、艰苦奋斗是实现理想的根本途径 D.理想的实现需要付出艰辛的努力 [单选题]光的传输主要受下列那种影响()。
A.衰减、色散 B.色散、非线效应 C.衰减、非线效应 D.衰减、色散、非线效应 [单项选择]
Text 2 [填空题]煤气实施内部气体置换是否达到预定要求,应按预定目的,根据氧含量和()或()确定。
(二)背景资料某内河航道炸礁工程,施工单位在规定的时间内与业主签订了施工合同。合同签订后,施工单位积极组织人员、设备进场,按规定办理了《水上水下施工作业许可证》,发布了航行通告、办理了其它开工手续,工程按期开工。施工过程中,发生了主机功率为2400kW的炸礁船被误入施工区的1000t级运输船碰撞事件,造成炸礁船上施工机具和船体多处损坏的事故,直接经济损失80万元。炸礁完成后,用抓斗式挖泥船进行了清礁。施工完成后,进行了水上水下地形、水文测量,并绘制了竣工水深图。在竣工水深图中,显示清礁区内存在局部浅点,施工单位立即进行了补挖、补测,并将补测结果补绘于原竣工水深图上。经计算,补绘部分占竣工水深图幅中测区总面积的21%。通过补测、补绘后,竣工水深图中显示全部测点的水深均达到了设计要求,相应的施工资料也整理完毕,施工单位向监理单位提出了交工验收申请。 本工程是否达到交工验收的条件?说明理由。[单选题]连续大量使用能导致球后视神经炎的药物是
A.利福平 B.异烟肼 C.链霉素 D.乙胺丁醇 E.对氨基水杨酸 我来回答: 提交