In its most extreme form, poverty is a
lack of basic human needs, such as adequate and nutritious food, clothing,
housing, clean water, and health services. Extreme poverty can cause terrible
suffering and death, and even poverty can prevent people from realizing many of
their desires. The world’s poorest people--many of whom live in developing areas
of Africa, Asia, Latin America. and Eastern Europe--struggle daily for food,
shelter, and other necessities. They often suffer from severe
malnutrition(营养不良), infectious disease outbreaks, famine, and war. In wealthier
countries--such as the United States, Canada, Japan, and those in Western
Europe--the effects of poverty may include poor nutrition, mental illness, drug
dependence, crime, and high rates of disease. Extreme poverty, which threatens people’s health or lives, A. Poverty is the condition of having insufficient resources or income. B. Poverty is a lack of basic human needs. C. Poverty is the condition of having fewer resources or less income than others within a society or country, or compared to worldwide averages. D. Poverty is an effect of the uneven distribution of resources around the world on an international or even regional scale. [单选题]C70型货车的换长为( )。
A.1.2 B.1.3 C.1.1 D.1.4 [多选题]水平排烟顺序步骤是先在()尽量靠上方打开一个或若干个排烟口,再在()打开一个或若干个进风口,畅通排烟路径增加排烟效果。( )
A.下风向 B.上风向 C.迎风面 D.背风面 [简答题]什么是表面强化技术有哪些表面强化技术
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]监控设备投入运行前,应根据相关监控信息规范要求,编制监控信息表,监控信息不需要满足电网调度和电网设备集中监控需求。
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 [单选题]下列气体中,既能用浓硫酸干燥,又能用碱石灰干燥的是( )。
A.NH3 B.SO2 C.N2 D. NO2 [名词解释]层积处理
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]________应选用声阻介于声头表面物质与皮肤之间,以利声能透过,常用的有________、______、_______、_____、______。
A. 慢性支气管炎 B. 肺炎 C. 肺结核 D. 结核性胸膜炎 E. 肺癌胸膜转移 [单选题]一根绝缘操作杆,如果在其两端加上40kV直流电压,其泄漏电流为1mA,那么操作杆的绝缘电阻是(____)MΩ。
A.4 B.40 C.200 D.400 [单项选择]目前抗压强度最大的充填材料是()
A. 磷酸锌粘固粉 B. 聚羧酸锌粘固粉 C. 银汞合金 D. 复合树脂 E. 玻璃离子粘固粉 [单项选择]患者,男性,60岁,进食后饱胀2个月余,血便。超声检查肝右叶可见34mm×36mm边界清楚的强回声实性肿块,外周绕以较宽的声晕,中心部可见不规则无回声区,呈"同心圆"征,其余肝组织回声稍粗糙。升结肠可见假肾状实性肿块可能的原发癌为()。
A. 肺癌 B. 乳腺癌 C. 肝癌 D. 甲状腺癌 E. 结肠癌 [单项选择]
2011年1-7月份,全国固定资产投资152420亿元,同比增长25.4%,比1-6月份回落0.2个百分点。其中,7月份全国固定资产投资27853亿元。 A. 20.0% B. 22.3% C. 24.5% D. 25.4% [判断题]电动车的充电时间以不超过10小时为宜
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据《国家电网公司安全生产反违章工作管理办法》,反违章工作是指企业在( )等过程中,在制度建设培训教育现场管理监督检查评价考核等方面开展的相关工作
A.预防违章 B.整治违章 C.杜绝违章 D.查处违章 [单选题]有限空间作业,有毒有害气体硫化氢的报警值是()mg/㎡。
A.5 B.10 C.15 [判断题]建设单位“不得压缩合同约定的工期”指的是不得单方面压缩工期。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交