A. 15.62%
B. 21% C. 40% D. 74.38% [单选题]扣件式钢管支架高于()时应设置水平剪刀撑。
A.4.0m B.5.0m C.6.0m D.7.0m [简答题]九江市,上饶市是位于我国哪个省的城市?
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]发生局部冒顶的预兆有( )。
A.顶板裂隙张开,裂隙增多 B.顶板裂隙内有活矸,并有掉渣现象 C.煤层与顶板接触面上极薄的矸石片不断脱落 D.敲帮问顶时声音不正常 [多项选择]属于乳牙期及替牙期局部樟碍的有 ()
A. 乳牙早失 B. 乳牙滞留 C. 恒牙早萌 D. 恒牙萌出顺序紊乱 E. 乳尖牙磨耗不足 [单选题]根据《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》,依法负责生产安全事故调查处理工作的是( )。
A. 县级以上人民政府 B. 县级以上人民政府应急管理部门 C. 事故发生单位的主管部门 D. 事故发生单位 [多选题]在变电站内使用起重机械时,应( )
A.安装接地装置 B.接地线应用多股软铜线 C.其截面应满足接地短路容量的要求 D.但不得小于16mm2 [判断题]因工作原因需短时移动或拆除遮栏(围栏)、标示牌时,应有人监护。完毕后应立即恢复。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]成段更换钢轨时,新、旧长钢轨在线路上存放时应采取可靠的安全措施且存放原则上不得超过()天。
A.1 B.3 C.7 D.15 [单选题]用于分离培养病毒的标本,如不能及时送检,可在哪个温度较长时间保存
A.37℃ B.25℃ C.4℃ D.-20℃ E.-70℃ [多选题]脑疝的先兆症状有哪些? ( )
A.脉搏增快 B.脉搏减慢 C.血压升高 D.意识障碍加重 E.呼吸不规则 [填空题] Many people in the literary would say that British literature has lost its 【B1】 nowadays. Many others 【B2】 with this opinion. But what is not 【B3】 doubt is that a lot of the exciting new literature published in Britain in recent years 【B4】 been written by people from outside Britain. Since 1981, nine of the fourteen winners of the Booker Prize, an important prize 【B5】 a work of fiction, were writers from 【B6】 British colonies like India.
【B7】 many of the best ’’serious’’ British writers manage to be popular as well as pro found, the vast 【B8】 of the books could not be classified as ’’serious’’ literature. Britain is the home of 【B9】 might be called ’’middlebrow’’ literature. (That is, mid-way between serious and popular fiction) Many British authors write novels 【B10】 as ’’romances’’ , one of the middlebrow types. The British publisher which sells more books than any other is Mills & Boon, 【B11】 books are exclusively 【B12】 this ty
A. A.increased B.increasingly C.decreasingly D.decreased [判断题]对内投资都是直接投资,对外投资不一定都是间接投资。
A. ±30 B. ±20 C. ±10 [判断题]通常情况下NH3、H2、N2 能共存,并且既能用浓H2SO4 干燥也能用碱石灰干燥。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]电连接一般不应有()否则应该更换。
A.断股 B.散股 C.缺失 D.氧化 E.灰尘 [填空题]数据结构包括三方面的内容:数据的逻辑结构、数据的存储结构、数据的 __________ 。
[填空题]The state of college students’ mental health continues to decline. What’s the solution
In the months before Massachusetts Institute of technology sophomore Elizabeth Shin died, she spoke with seven psychiatrists and one social worker. The psychiatrists diagnosed major depression; the therapist recommended hospitalization. Shin told a dean that she was cutting herself and let a professor know that she wanted to commit suicide. The housemaster of her dorm and two of her friends stayed up nights to watch her. But it wasn’t enough. On April 10, 2000, Elizabeth Shin locked her dorm room door and set her clothes on fire. Four days later, she was dead. 41. Many colleges are running into thorny situation. Her parents, Kisuk and Cho Hyun Shin, filed suit against MIT, charging its employees with gross negligence and wrongful death. It’s an extreme case, but it illustrates a problem facing many other schools, as more and more students line up at counseling centers requiring [单项选择]在社区工作的启动阶段,社会工作者依靠专业能力提供了较多服务和活动,这个时候需要注意的事项是( )。
A. 居民对社会工作者的认同度高,对居民带头人的信赖度低 B. 居民对社会工作者的认同度高,对居民带头人的信赖度高 C. 居民对社会工作者的认同度不变,对居民带头人的信赖度高 D. 居民对社会工作者的认同度不变,对居民带头人的信赖度低 E. 居民对社会工作者的认同度不变,对居民带头人的信赖度不变 [单选题]产生职业病危害的用人单位应当在醒目位置设置公告栏,公布有关职业病防治的规章制度、操作规程、职业病危害事故应急救援措施和( )结果。
A.职工健康体检 B.工作场所职业病危害因素检测 C.职工职业病检查 [判断题]智能交、直流一体化系统统一通讯,监控模块可通过多种通讯方式连接远端计算机,以实现集中监控?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]特发性血小板减少性紫癜做骨髓检查的主要目的是()
A. 证明有无巨核细胞增生 B. 证明有无幼稚巨核细胞 C. 证明有无血小板减少 D. 排除引起血小板减少的其他疾病 E. 上述均不是 [单项选择]以下关于小儿生长发育所需能量的说法哪项是错误的()
A. 这是小儿特有的能量需要 B. 与生长发育的速度成正比 C. 婴儿期是生长发育的高峰,这部分能量需要大 D. 如供给不足,则生长发育延迟或停滞 E. 占总需要量的30%~40% [单项选择]