Nightingale{{/B}} Florence Nightingale was born in Florence, Italy, while her wealthy English parents were traveling in Europe. As a child, she traveled to many places with her family and learned how to speak several languages. When Nightingale was 17, she told her family that she was going to help sick people. Her parents did not approve, but Nightingale was determined. She traveled to hospitals all Over Europe. She saw that doctors were working too hard. She saw that patients died because they did not get enough care. Nightingale felt that women could be doing more to help doctors take care of sick people. Nightingale knew that in order for nurses to do more, they needed special training in how to take care of sick people. Nightingale went A. got to work in a hospital. B. began to study nursing. C. started to care for sick people in their homes. D. became the head of Gentlewomen During Illness. [单项选择]可以区分槲皮素和二氢槲皮素的试剂是()
A. 三氯化铝反应 B. 锆盐--枸橼酸反应 C. 盐酸--镁粉反应 D. 五氯化锑反应 E. 四氢硼钠反应 [单项选择]仅从证券的市场行为来分析证券价格未来变化趋势的分析方法称为( )。
A. 技术分析 B. 基本分析 C. 定性分析 D. 定量分析 [单选题]生产经营单位及有关人员受他人胁迫有安全生产违法行为的,应当依法( )行政处罚。
A.免除 B.从轻或者减轻 C.加重 [多选题]储蓄机构可以办理下列人民币储蓄业务()。
A.整存零取定期储蓄存款 B.定活两便储蓄存款 C.华侨(人民币)整存整取定期储蓄存款 D.经中国人民银行批准开办的其他种类的储蓄存款 [判断题]行政处罚属于内部行政行为,以行政隶属关系为前提。( )
[多选题] 设备运行状态巡检点的内容是:机泵.( ).报警装置等。
A.泄漏 B.阀门 C.压力 D.管线 [多项选择]在银行经营管理过程中,“三性”从根本上说应当是一致的,其原因在于()
A. 流动性和安全性是效益性的基础和必要条件 B. 效益性是安全性与流动性的最终目标和重要保证 C. 只有保持必要的流动性和安全性,才能从根本上保证银行盈利目标的实现 D. 如果银行不能保证盈利,其安全性和流动性就失去了意义银行不能提供利润,流动性和安全性也缺乏应有的物质保障 [判断题]在双目标快速射击中,应先判明高危、低危目标,而后依次射击。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]古德诺的行政学研究和威尔逊的研究有着相当一致的地方,他也是站在()利益一边,主张公共行政权力的集中。
A. 总统 B. 中小资产阶级 C. 国会议员 D. 大资产阶级 [单选题] 下列温度传感器不属于非接触式温度传感器的是
A.亮度式温度传感器 B.比色式温度传感器 C.P-N结温度传感器 D.全辐射温度传感器 [多项选择]如果人民法院于2005年4月30日作出判决,即日作出判决公告,那么该判决生效日期应为:
A. 2005年12月1日 B. 2005年11月1日 C. 2005年5月1日 D. 2005年11月15日 [单选题]根据《配电网规划设计技术导则》规定,110kV系统应采用()的中性点接地方式。
A.A.直接接地 B.B.消弧线圈接地 C.C.低电阻接地 D.D.不接地 [多选题]在按照市场化原则保障债权人合法权益的前提下,地方政府发行政府债券时可以约定()等不同形式的本金偿还条款
A.A-到期偿还 B.B-提前偿还 C.C-延期偿还 D.D-分年偿还 [单项选择]某建设项目2005年的利润总额为1500万元,其资本金为6000万元,则该项目的资本金利润率为( )。
A. 15% B. 20% C. 25% D. 30% [单项选择]
The person who can see a ship without some feeling of excitement must have very little imagination. Even the idea of leaving the solid land (1) most of us were born and brought (2) and going out on to the ever-moving waters must rouse (3) some feelings of strangeness. We may remember stories of terrible storms, with waves (4) mountains, and of people from ships which have sunk (5) weeks in small boats hundreds of miles from land. But we have also (6) joy of travelling on calm seas under blue (7) and of the (8) excitement of coming to a new beautiful land which we have seen only in pictures before. [单选题]老王经营一家鞋厂,未按照国家标准为临时用电的电气设备安装漏电保护装置,导致一名工人作业时触电死亡。根据《刑法》的规定,老王的行为构成()
A.失职渎职罪 B.重大劳动安全事故罪 C.强令违章冒险作业罪 [单项选择]具温肾纳气作用的药物是()
A. 沉香 B. 木香 C. 干姜 D. 吴茱萸 E. 橘皮 [单选题]钢轨折断处理过程中,当断缝不大于( )时,应采取紧急处理措施。
A.20mm B.30mm C.40mm D.50mm [单选题]123.正常人每天无形失水量为
A.250ml B.450ml C.650ml D.850ml E.1000ml [多选题] 化学品及企业标识主要标明()邮编、电话、传真等信息。(难)
A. 化学品名称 B. 生产企业名称 C. 地址 D. 应急电话 我来回答: 提交