Predictions of many robots in industry have yet come true. For ten years or more, manufacturers of big robots have explained how their machines can make industry more competitive and productive. The maker for (21) robots is over-supplied now, and the driving force of the robotics revolution is (22) to be with makers of machines that handle a few kilos at most.
"Heavy-robot manufacturers are in some difficulty (23) finding customers. They are offering big (24) just to get in the door. There has been a (25) growth everywhere in the numbers of robots, so we admit we are either deceiving (26) or that the market is slowly growing." said John Reekie, chairman of Colen Robotics. "The following things must happen (27) the robotics revolution to occur. We must achieve widespread robot literacy, (28) there has been a computer (29) program. There must be a robot policy. Finally, some kind of (30) in
A. as
B. with
C. over
D. in
Once found almost entirely in the
western United States and in Asia, dinosaur fossils are now being discovered on
all seven continents. A host of new revelations emerged in 1998 that promise to
reshape scientists’ views of dinosaurs, including what they looked like and when
and where they lived. It is doubtful that Tyrannosaurus Rex had lips or that Triceratops had cheeks, says Lawrence Witmer, an assistant professor of anatomy at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. He reached its conclusions by using high-tech computerized axial tomography (CT or CAT) scans along with comparative anatomy studies. For example, the theory that Triceratops and similar dinosaur species had cheeks was based on past comparisons with mammals such as sheep. But Witmer’s careful analysis found the structure of the tricerato A. they are found in a continent other than Asia and North Continent B. the largest dinosaurs in the world are found in this discovery C. there are some unknown species of dinosaurs found this time D. the dinosaurs were believed to be some of the last ones on earth [单选题]在不小于动火点 ( ) 米范围内应对大气环境进行检测分析,确保动火作业环境符合要求。
A.30 B.20 C.15 D.10 [单选题]母线及绝缘子红外测温周期:110(66)kV:( )。
A.1月 B.3月 C.半年 D.1年 [多项选择]当承包人索赔后,工程师可以对索赔提出质疑的情况包括( )。
A. 承包人以前已表明放弃索赔 B. 提交的证据不足以说明索赔的部分 C. 发包人与承包人共同负有责任,责任未划分 D. 损失计算不足 E. 承包人没有采取措施避免或减少损失的部分 [单项选择]关于烟酸的作用与用途描述错误的是
A. 有抑制血小板凝聚和扩张血管作用 B. 可提高血中高密度脂蛋白胆固醇含量 C. 对I,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ,V型高脂血症均有效 D. 大剂量烟酸能使三酰甘油,极低密度脂蛋白浓度下降 E. 主要用于饮食控制无效,又有危险的高脂血症患者 [多选题]平板阀在使用过程中,要( )状态。
A.全开 B.全闭 C.半开 D.半闭 [判断题]无缝线路铺设时轨条轨端相错量焊接时不得超过40mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( ) 在曲线上使用铁鞋制动时,铁鞋应放在曲线内轨上。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]沙林事件处置过程中,进入现场或警戒区内的人员必须佩戴隔绝式呼吸器,着( )。
A.全封闭式防化服 B.简易防化服 C.灭火防护服 D.隔热服 [判断题] 计算船舶各种航行性能时所用的船舶尺度叫最大尺度。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]线路开通、速度变更执行()共同检查签认制度。
A.施工作业负责人 B.施工作业人员 C.施工单位 D.设备管理单位 [简答题]1高压试验时,合闸前应先检查接线,包括------均正确无误,并通知现场人员离开高压试验区域。