In 1975 the Congress of the United
States passed the Education of All Handicapped Children Act, a (1)
document in special education that has since (2)
numerous amendments. A 1990 amendment renamed the law the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). IDEA requires public schools (3) a free and appropriate education to all disabled children. The law also requires that all children with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 21 receive support services, such as (4) or physical therapy, (5) the type or seriousness of their disability. (6) the provisions of IDEA, schools must (7) all children with disabilities. To do this school officials provide each child with a comprehensive (8) conducted by teachers, the parents, and appropriate specialists, such as children with speech A. identify B. divide C. recognize D. know [判断题]中国联通已经申请成为冬奥特许零售商,联通可以对售卖的冬奥特许商品自行制定零售价格。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]触电急救时,在医务人员( )前,不得放弃现场抢救,更不能只根据没有呼吸或脉搏的表现,擅自判定伤员死亡,放弃抢救。
A.未到达 B.未接替救治 C.作出死亡诊断 D.判断呼吸或脉搏表现 [多选题]根据基础客户及行业客户精准营销指导意见规定,行业客户营销的管理要在农区、城区获取基础客户基础上,按照()通进一步细分行业客户,深入研究客户特点,主动融入客户生活圈,提升营销针对性和有效性。
A.涉农行业 B.公共服务 C.经营消费 D.商贸流通 [填空题]既能化湿,又能祛暑解表的药是()()
A. 弥补亏损 B. 非生产性支出 C. 核准的用途 D. 科研开发支出 [单项选择]下列各项中,只能属于国家所有的是( )。
A. 土地 B. 森林 C. 海域 D. 草原 [单选题]学习马克思主义的根本方法是( )
A.认真阅读经典原著 B.深入进行调查研究 C.理论联系实际 D.善于独立思考 [单选题]ILS进近期间,副驾驶发现其PFD显示屏幕下部出现琥珀色PITCH故障旗,表明:
A.左右两侧俯仰角差值超限,自动驾驶跟踪G/S不可靠 B.左右两侧俯仰角差值超限,自动驾驶跟踪G/S不可靠,将工作在CWS-P方式 C.副驾驶俯仰姿态指示误差超过3度 D.机长和副驾驶姿态指示器上所显示的俯仰角偏差大于5度 [单项选择]路由器工作在OST模型的( )。
A. 网络层 B. 传输层 C. 数据链路层 D. 物理层 [判断题]食品索证索票到位。查验进货食品索证索票和上料台账,帐物相符
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交