There is no doubt that we are living in
a period of enormous population growth. In the past, it{{U}} (51)
{{/U}}thousands of years for the world’s population to double in size.{{U}}
(52) {{/U}}today there are more people having families and fewer
deaths from diseases. As(a){{U}} (53) {{/U}}, the population doubles in
only 35 years. A(n){{U}} (54) {{/U}}supply of food is only one of the
human needs that must be{{U}} (55) {{/U}}. Overcrowding has a highly
undesirable effect on life. For example, if every available piece of land were
used for producing food, it would be very difficult to{{U}} (56)
{{/U}}proper housing for people, as would health care and recreation.{{U}}
(57) {{/U}}these reasons, more governments are helping families to
understand the problems of{{U}} (58) {{/U} A. excessive B. adequate C. great D. small [单选题]《电力供应与使用条例》规定,自逾期之日起计算超过( )日,经催交仍未交付电费的,供电企业可以按照国家规定的程序停止供电。
A.个人 B.单位 C.第三人 D.集体 [单选题]向心性肥胖是由下列哪种激素分泌增多所致( )
A.甲状腺激素 B.甲状旁腺激素 C.糖皮质激素 D.肾上腺素 E.胰岛素 [多项选择]关于独立董事,下列说法正确的是( )。
A. 重大关联交易应由董事会进行讨论,无须经过独立董事的认可 B. 独立董事可以独立聘请外部审计机构和咨询机构 C. 独立董事可以在股东大会召开前公开向股东征集投票权 D. 独立董事可以向董事会提议召开临时股东大会 [单选题] 采煤工作面必须按作业规程的规定及时支护,严禁()作业。
A.漏顶 B.接顶 C.空顶 [判断题]停止使用的重要空白凭证由法人机构统一组织销毁,销毁工作应在停用后6个月内完成。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]附挂列车的过段机车,不能随本务机车入段又无线路指导人员添乘时,应由车站派人领车。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]“十二五”时期,改善农村生产生活条件的主要措施包括______
A. 提高乡镇村庄规划管理水平 B. 加强农村基础设施建设 C. 强化农村公共服务 D. 推进农村环境综合整治 E. 加快农村科技创新 [单选题]在大型养路机械液压系统中,对蓄能器补充氮气时,其压力偏差一般允许在()的范围内。
A.-10-0MPa B.-5-0MPa C.0-+5MPa D.0-+10MPa [单选题]挂运需停止制动作用的货车时,由货车车辆段派就近的列检作业场人员到场检查确认后关闭( )并施封,封上应有“停止制动”字样。
A.折断塞门 B.截断塞门 C.中门 D.小门 [判断题]临时停电,塔式起重机司机应先拉开总电源开关后方可离开岗位。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交