There is one part of women’s magazines
that every man reads. It is the section popularly known as the "agony columns",
where women and increasingly men, write for advice on their emotional problems.
The person who answers these letters usually has a very reassuring name which
suggests a gentle middleaged lady with a lot of wisdom and experience. At one
time, it used to be widely believed that the letters were in fact all made up by
someone on the editorial staff, and that the "Aunt Mary" who provided the
answers was a fat man with a beard, who drank like a fish, smoked like a
chimney, and was unfaithful to his wife into the bargain. Although this may be
true in some cases, the majority of advice columns are genuine, and the advisory
staff are highly-qualified people with a deep understanding of human
problems. At one time, only the answers we A. a greater variety of problems is now dealt with B. magazines now employ professional counselors C. there are more questions about health problems D. the questions as well as answers are always printed [单选题]采用两阶段评标法的,在第一阶段选择商务技术文件得分汇总排名进入第二阶段开标评标的说法中正确的是()。
A.投标人超过12个的,取前8名 B.投标人为8个及以下的,取前4名 C.投标人为9-11个的,取前7名 D.投标人为9-11个的,取前6名 [多项选择]脉冲电路中二极管主要主要在()状态下工作。
A. 截止 B. 放大 C. 导通 D. 饱和 E. 击穿 F. 耦合 [多选题]对于评标报告特征的说法,正确的有( )。
A.评标报告应在完成评标后编制 B.评标报告由评标委员会经全体成员签字后向招标人提交 C.评标报告是招标人确定中标人的重要参考 D.评标报告中应依法推荐合格的中标候选人 E.评标报告应全面反映评标情况 [判断题]由于移动副是构成面接触的运动副,故移动副是平面高副
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交