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[判断题]党委的政治领导和政府的行政领导,在领导职能上是没有区别的,是相互一致的。( )
A.白漆 B.红漆 C.黑漆 D.黄漆 [判断题]公安机关执法办案管理中心、服务窗口等场所配备的装备品种、数量和方式,应当符合装备使用安全和环境要求。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,男,38岁,于发热后出现眩晕,伴恶心、呕吐,无耳鸣及听力减退,持续近6周痊愈,以后未再复发,最可能的诊断为()。
A. 梅尼埃病 B. 迷路炎 C. 前庭神经元炎 D. 位置性眩晕 E. 晕动病 [单选题]频分复用的英文缩写是()。
A.TDM。 B.FDM。 C.TDMA。 D.FDMA。 [多选题]适用于平转施工的桥梁有( )。
A.刚构梁式桥 B.悬索桥 C.斜拉桥 D.钢管拱桥 E.钢筋混凝土拱桥 [单选题]下列哪项可出现呼气性呼吸困难
A.急性喉炎 B.气管异物 C.急性会厌炎 D.支气管哮喘 E.喉水肿 [单选题]某案,被害人有充分证据证明犯罪嫌疑人的犯罪行为,而当地公安机关却作出不立案的决定,被害人到当地人民检察院反映,那么,检察机关应当如何处理?( )
A.人民检察院应当自己立案 B.人民检察院应当直接通知公安机关立案 C.人民检察院应当说服被害人服从公安机关的决定 D.人民检察院应当要求公安机关说明不立案的理由,如果认为理由不能成立,应当通知公安机关立案 [单项选择]Passage One
I`m a Chinese student studying in Canada. I have been a boarder(寄宿生) with the Carsons for more than a year and a half.
The Carsons live in their own house, which has four bedrooms including the one in the basement(底层) which I live in. Judy does all the work in the house and Andrew is responsible for the work in the garden. When they go out in they evening, they often ask me to look after their children.
Judy`s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris, lived in another city. Judy was their only child and naturally they doted on(溺爱) Judy`s children. They often sent the children presents.
Last April Mr. Morris died. Now that Mrs. Morris was quite alone, I expected that Judy would want her to come and live with them. One day, Margaret told me grandma was coming to live with them and her daddy and mummy would want my room back. The news didn`t surprise me and the next day I went to Judy and asked her about it. I said I couldn`t think of living in their basement room any
A. Because the speaker lived in the basement room and there was no other room for her to live in. B. Because she did not have a good relationship with her son-in-law. C. Because she was in rather poor health and could not come. D. Because she did not want to leave her own house. [单项选择]Pity those who aspire to put the initials PhD after their names. After 16 years of closely supervised education, prospective doctors of philosophy are left more or less alone to write the equivalent of a large book. Most social-science postgraduates have still not completed their theses by the time their grant runs out after three years. They must then get a job and finish in their spare time, which can often take a further three years. By then, most new doctors are sick to death of the narrowly defined subject, which has blighted their holidays and mined their evenings.
The Economic and Social Research Council, which gives grants to postgraduate social scientists, wants to get better value for money by cutting short this agony. It would like to see faster completion rates: until recently, only about 25 % of PhD candidates were finishing within four years. The ESRC’s response has been to stop PhD grants to all institutions where the proportion taking less than four years is below A. that the students were carrying out purely knowledge-based studies rather than being trained as researchers B. to see higher standards of PhD students’ theses and more ambitious doctoral topics C. more systematic teaching of research skills to fewer unrealistic expectations placed on inexperienced young PhD students D. that PhD students were less modest in their aims [判断题]发、到站补收的铁路建设基金(不含违约金)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]进度计划的编制方法是关键线路法、( )、横道图计划和里程碑进度计划。
A.关键线路确定 B.调整工作时间法 C.计划评审技术 D.时间参数的计算 [单项选择]某铅笔厂原来只生产铅笔,现在又增加圆珠笔的生产,这属于()。
A. 同心多元化 B. 离心多元化 C. 混合多元化 D. 一体化 [单选题]分支不分布至髋关节的神经是 ( )
A.坐骨神经的股方肌支 B.臀上神经 C.臀下神经 D.股神经 E.闭孔神经 [填空题]调车作业挂车时,没有<--NRC-->,不得撤除防溜措施。
[多选题]《铁路行李包裹损失处理规则》,列车火灾行包损失重点勘查并拍照,( )
A.火灾发生时间、区间、编挂位置 B.车内行包装载现状、起火部位、四周行包烧损情况 C.初步了解起火原因 D.行李车人员出入情况 [单项选择]The repairs to your car will cost you ______ $ 35.
A. at large B. at all costs C. at once D. at most [简答题]简述智能变电站中如何隔离一台保护装置与站内其余装置的GOOSE报文有效通讯。
A.一车 B.接近连挂 C.停车 D.连挂 [单选题]下列关于涂料防水中防水层施工的说法中,正确的是()。
A.湿铺法是在铺第三遍涂料涂刷时,边倒料、边涂刷、便铺贴的操作方法 B.对于流动性差的涂料,为便于抹压,加快施工进度,可以采用分条间隔施工的方法,条带宽800~1000mm C.胎体增强材料混合使用时,一般下层采用玻璃纤维布,上层采用聚酯纤维布 D.所有收头均应用密封材料压边,压扁宽度不得小于20mm [单选题]选择词语的正确词形【 】。
A.部署 B.布署 [单选题]最常见的女性生殖器官良性肿瘤是
A.子宫颈肌瘤 B.子宫肌瘤 C.成熟畸胎瘤 D.浆液性囊腺瘤 E.卵巢纤维瘤 [单选题]男性,20岁,全身浮肿,尿少10天。化验血红蛋白122g/L,尿蛋白(+ + + + ),24 小时尿蛋白定量5. 5g.尿沉楂镜检见红细胞3~5个/HP,有透明管型,偶见颗粒管型,血肌酐96μmol/L,血尿素氮7mmol/L,血浆白蛋白25g/L。
A.急性肾小球肾炎 B.急进性肾小球肾炎 C.慢性肾小球肾炎急性发作 D.肾病综合征 [单选题]维持下肢静脉回流的主要因素中不包括
A.下肢运动时肌肉的收缩作用 B.胸腔的负压作用 C.静脉管壁的收缩作用 D.功能健全的静脉瓣作用 E.心脏的搏动 [单项选择]带式输送机正常运转时,每班维护工至少进行()次巡回检查。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [判断题]OVR是一种多分类方法。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]日本著名的旅游景点有()。
A. “圣岳”富士山 B. 新宿御苑 C. 浅草寺 D. 景福宫 E. 乐天世界 [单项选择]“累计折旧、坏账准备”帐户按用途和结构分类属于( )。
A. 资产类帐户 B. 负债类帐户 C. 备抵调整帐户 D. 费用类帐户 [单项选择]夹具主要包括台虎钳,卡盘和()。
A. 千分尺 B. 百分表 C. 分度头 D. 角度尺 [判断题]常州地铁1号线闸机维修界面里,选择主菜单>系统设置>身高传感器设置,开启或关闭身高传感,确认执行,关闭后通行不再检测试通行高度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]In what way do Columbian students differ from Japanese students()
A. Japanese students study much harder than Columbian students. B. Columbian students score higher than Japanese students in maths. C. Columbian students are more optimistic about their maths skills. D. Japanese students have better conditions for study. [多项选择]医院感染管理委员会的主要职责包括()
A. 依据有关政策法规,制定全院控制医院内感染规划、管理制度,并组织实施 B. 定期总结、分析细菌学监测资料,向有关部门反馈,并向全院公布 C. 根据《综合医院建筑标准》有关卫生学标准及预防医院内感染的要求,对医院的改建、扩建和新建提出建设性意见 D. 对医院感染管理科拟定的全院医院内感染管理工作计划进行审定,对其工作进行考评 E. 建立会议制度,定期研究、协调和解决有关医院内感染管理方面的重大事项,遇有紧急问题随时召开 [单选题]交易员可以在前台对应急意向报价进行询价吗?( )
A. 可以 B.不可以" [单项选择]女性,32岁,已婚。近半年感下腹部疼痛,痛及腰骶,经行加重,神疲乏力,食少纳呆。舌质黯红,苔白,脉弦涩无力。妇科检查:双附件轻度增厚,轻压痛。治疗应首选
A. 理冲汤 B. 血府逐瘀汤 C. 少腹逐瘀汤 D. 桂枝茯苓丸 E. 银甲丸 [单选题]检修用电焊机二次线长不超过( )米。
A.20 B.30 C.40 D.50 [判断题]公民王某向市监局申请颁发营业执照,但市监局认为王某不符合颁证条件因而拒绝向其颁发营业执照,王某对市监局不予颁证的行为可以提起行政诉讼。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]明清之际的三大思想家是()。
A. 黄宗羲 B. 顾炎武 C. 徐光启 D. 王夫之 E. 顾宪成 [多选题] 开关电源监控模块的主要功能有( )。
A. 信号采集功能 B. 参数设置功能 C. 控制功能 D. 电池管理功能 E. 通信功能 我来回答: 提交