"Before, we were too black to be white.
Now. we’re too white to be black. " Hadija, one of South Africa’s 3. 5m Coloured
(mixed race) people, sells lace curtains at a street market in a bleak township
outside Cape Town. In 1966 she and her family were driven out of District Six,
in central Cape Town, by an apartheid government that wanted the area for
whites. Most of the old houses and shops were bulldozed but a Methodist church,
escaping demolition, has been turned into a little museum, with an old street
plan stretched across the floor. On it, families have identified their old
houses, writing names and memories in bright felt-tip pen. "We can forgive, but
not forget," says one. Up to a point. In the old days, trampled on by whites, they were made to accept a second-class life of scant privileges as a grim reward for being light A. the terrible racial-discriminative policy in South Africa B. the positive outlook for blacks to take over the power in South Africa C. the Affirmative action is only beneficial for blacks D. the Coloured are in a very difficult complicated situation in the political upheaval in South Africa [单项选择]磨矿机的技术效率是指磨碎所得的()与原矿给矿中所含的(大于合格粒度之重量)的比值。
A. 合格粒度产品重量 B. 产品粒度 C. 产品细度 D. 浓度 [多选题]下述车辆或列车,必须停放在固定的线路上,两端道岔应扳向不能进入该线的位置并加锁( )
A. 装载爆炸品类危险货物 B. 气体类危险货物 C. 救援列车 D. 临时停留公务车 [判断题]《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q / CSG 510001—2015)第9.4.5.3条规定:执行操作票操作后检查操作质量、检查运行方式即可,无须对设备状况进行检查。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]疲劳骨折的成因是
A. 直接暴力 B. 间接暴力 C. 肌肉牵拉力 D. 积累性劳损 E. 骨骼疾病 [单项选择]进程与程序的本质区别是( )。
A. 顺序与非顺序执行机器指令 B. 存储在内存和外存 C. 分时使用与独占使用计算机资源 D. 动态和静态特征 [单项选择]下颌运动的传入途径是()
A. 经三叉神经半月神经节、三叉神经感觉核、对侧丘脑外侧核到中央后回下部 B. 经三叉神经感觉核、三叉神经半月神经节、对侧丘脑外侧核到中央后回下部 C. 经三叉神经半月神经节、对侧丘脑外侧核、三叉神经感觉核到中央后回下部 D. 经三叉神经感觉核、对侧丘脑外侧核、三叉神经半月神经节到中央后回下部 E. 经三叉神经半月神经节、三叉神经感觉核到对侧丘脑外侧核 [单选题]当ADIRU2失效时,ATC 2的气压高度数据:
A.A.自动来自ADRU3 B.B.丢失 C.C.经ARDATA电门人工转换后转至ADRU3 D.D.转换至ADIRU2 [单项选择]消化性溃疡患者节律性疼痛变为持续性,进食或服用制酸药后长时间不能缓解,并向肩背部放射时,可能是发生了 ()
A. 癌变 B. 出血 C. 胃底静脉曲张 D. 幽门梗阻 E. 穿孔 我来回答: 提交