Read the following four passages. Answer the questions below each passage by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.
Passage One
In large part as a consequence of the feminist movement, historians have focused a great deal of attention in recent years on determining more accurately the status of women in various periods. Although much has been accomplished for the modern period, premodern cultures have proved more difficult: sources are restricted in number, fragmentary, difficult to interpret, and often contradictory. Thus it is not particularly surprising that some earlier scholarship concerning such cultures has so far gone unchallenged. An example is Johanna Bachofen’s 1861 treatise on Amazons, women-ruled societies of questionable existence contemporary with ancient Greece.,
Starting from the premise that mythology and legend preserve at least a nucleus of historical fact, Bachofen argued tha
A. qualified approval
B. profound ambiguity
C. studied neutrality
D. pointed disagreement
W: There are pills for everything now, aren’t there
M: Almost everything. There are pills for colds and pills for headaches.
W: There are pills for seasickness and pills for airsickness.
W: Those are the same, aren’t they Being sick on a ship is like being sick on a plane, isn’t it
W: I suppose so. There are pills to make you sleepy.
M: And there are pills to keep you awake.
W: But they’re bad for your health, aren’t they
M: That’s right.
W: There is a pill to make you hungry, isn’t there
M: I don’t know. But there are pills to keep you from being hungry. They’re for people who want to lose weight.
W: There’s a pill for almost everything, isn’t there
M: But there aren’t any pills to learn languages, are there
姓名 | 性别 | 年龄 | 民族 | 文化程度 | A. 求助者中心疗法 B. 冲击疗法 C. 生物反馈法 D. 认知行为疗法 [单项选择]对于正常菌群的描述,不恰当的是()
A. 正常菌群、宿主与外界环境间应维持动态平衡 B. 一般情况下正常菌群对人体有益无害 C. 口腔中的正常菌群主要为厌氧菌 D. 可以降解食物残渣 E. 即使是健康胎儿也携带正常菌群 [单选题]《道路运输安全专项整治三年行动实施方案》规定,应加大老旧客车的淘汰报废力度,研究调整客车引导淘汰、强制报废等政策措施,对使用时间距报废年限( )年以内的大客车,不允许改变使用性质、转移所有权或者转出登记地。
A. 半 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 [单选题]闭塞分区的划分,应满足未装备列控车载设备的列车按( )闭塞行车的要求。GJ70
A.三显示自动 B.四显示自动 C.自动站间 [单项选择]男,58岁。心悸、手抖3年,加重1月。体检:P110次/分,BP160/60mmHg,消瘦,皮肤潮湿,甲状腺可触及,可闻及血管杂音,颈静脉无怒张,心界不大,心率134次/分,律绝对不整,心音强弱不等,肺、腹(-),双下肢不肿。该病人如选用放射性碘治疗,其长、短期并发症最可能分别是()
A. 甲状腺功能减退症、放射性甲状腺炎 B. 甲亢复发、放射性甲状腺炎 C. 心功能恶化、甲亢危象 D. 甲状腺功能减退症、甲状腺肿加重 E. 致癌、甲状腺炎 [单选题]公 安派出所执行取保候审、监视居住时,应在取保候审、监视居住期限届满( )日前,报经县级公 安机关通知原决定机关。
A.五 B.七 C.十 D.三 [判断题]按口头、电话命令执行的工作应留有录音。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]管理咨询在日本咨询市场上的任务是什么
[单项选择]Man: Need a hand with those boxes
Woman: That’’s OK, I can manage. They’’re empty.
Question: What does the woman mean
A. She prefers hot weather. B. The man should visit Washington when it’s cooler. C. She agrees that going to the beach would have been better. D. Visiting Washington is enjoyable despite the heat. [判断题]棚户区改造贷款的流动资金贷款一般不超过1年,最长不超过3年,贷款期限超过1年的,借款人经农发行评定信用等级应在A级(含)以上。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]城市维护建设税和教育费附加的代收、代扣代缴义务人包括( )。
A. 受托方代收消费税的 B. 海关代征进口增值税和消费税的 C. 收购未税矿产品的 D. 工商局办理证照代征印花税 E. 按税法规定应代扣营业税的 [单选题]下列影响计算机控制系统的采样周期的因素,说法错误的是( )。
A.加到被控对象的扰动频率越高,采样频率应愈高,即采样周期愈短 B.当对象的纯滞后T0较大时,采样周期也应相应增长 C.若采用反应较慢的气动执行器,采样周期应比较短 D.采样的信号个数越多,采样周期应越长 我来回答: 提交