Most parents prize the diversity within
their children’s public schools. They know that learning to cooperate and excel
in a diverse, real-world setting is a key to success in the 2lst-century
workplace and marketplace. But how "diverse" and "real-world" is a school that does not have any minority teachers The bad news today is that some 40 percent of America’s public schools have no teachers of color. The good news is that we have an opportunity to recruit and encourage more Americans of color to enter the teaching profession. And our success in doing so can have a powerfully positive impact on student achievement. Obviously, a teacher’s effectiveness depends, first and foremost, on his or her skills and high expectations, not on the teacher’s color. Yet we also know that children of color--40 percent of the student popula A. give them financial support B. improve the method of testing minority candidates C. set up teachers training department D. simplify the criteria for assessing minority teachers [单选题]927.能直接刺激甲状腺腺体增生和甲状腺激素分泌的物质是
A.A.TRH B.B.TSH C.C.CRH D.D.T3和T4 E.E.ACTH [单项选择]当空腹血糖低于多少为低血糖症
A. 1.8mmol/L B. 4.2mmol/L C. 3.9mmol/L D. 2.2mmol/L E. 2.8mmol/L [判断题]PECU报警,立即与对应紧急报警器建立对讲,并通过视频监控系统查看报警车厢状态,HMI确认报警车厢位置;如确认为PECU误报警,则按压PA键进行复位。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]省煤器按照制造材料可以分为___式和___式两种。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]静力刨煤机的刨刀不带动力,完全靠牵引链的拉力及输送机的导向。
A. 爱美 B. 明宝 C. 丰香 D. 女峰 [填空题] 待销毁滤器直接使用清水冲洗后作为废弃物|按( )《MS-P031》
处理。出处:《滤器(滤芯)及超滤膜的管理规程》MS-P056| [单选题]利用千分尺测量读数时,如果微分筒锥面边缘的前面露出主尺纵线下边的刻线,则小数部分( )0.5mm。
A.大于 B.小于 C.等于 D.小于或等于 [单选题]生命探测仪适用于()现场的生命找寻救援。
A.火灾 B.浓烟 C.高温 D.建筑物倒塌 [判断题]大型活动现场消防勤务预案,是针对重要警卫勤务、重要活动、重大节日等可能发生的毒害、爆炸、建(构)筑物倒塌、人员践踏等灾害事故,依据有关法律法规和大型活动的特点,结合人员、装备实际而制定的勤务保卫预案。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]28岁,女,G1P1L1,患慢性盆腔炎2年,反复发作,此次高热3天伴有下腹痛。妇科检查:子宫大小正常,左侧可及5cm×6cm×7cm包块,不活动,压痛明显,最适宜的处理原则为()
A. 中药治疗 B. 中药及抗生素治疗 C. 抗生素治疗+剖腹探查术 D. 抗生素及物理治疗 E. 后穹隆切开引流术 [多选题]健康饮食的目标有( )
A.丰富饮食 B.保持理想体重 C.改善生活 D.预防疾病 E.营养素摄入充足平衡 [单选题]补偿装置平衡轮与棘轮的间距不小于( )mm。
A.200 B.300 C.400 D.500 [单项选择]Knowledge is power. But there is another thing we must remember. An intelligent mind needs a strong body to make it most useful.
There are a great many good exercises for building up our bodies. Many of them may be done indoors in rainy weather. Indoor exercises, however, are never as helpful as those taken out of doors because in the open air there is more oxygen. The air in the house is not fresh. But out of doors it is very fresh, especially in the morning. But what shall we play There are a number of games such as football, basketball, races... Any game with plenty of exercises is good. Do not neglect(忽略) your health. It is of as much importance as your mind. Our country now needs people with creative minds, good judgement, and healthy bodies. One who has an intelligent mind is ______. A. very strong B. healthy C. very clever D. stupid [单项选择]下列哪一种不属于装饰抹灰的种类()。
A. 干粘石 B. 斩假石 C. 高级抹灰 D. 喷涂 [单项选择]患儿,男,7岁,定期口腔检查,左下乳中切牙缺失,左下中切牙于舌侧萌出,并有扭转。右下乳中切牙不松动,右下中切牙于舌侧萌出切缘。左下乳侧切牙松动Ⅱ度。左上乳中切牙大面积龋蚀,松动Ⅰ度。其腭侧见有一多生牙,牙尖刚破龈。右下第二乳磨牙大面积充填物,颊侧龈有瘘管,松动Ⅲ度。仅凭以上条件需即刻拔除的是哪一个()
A. 右下乳中切牙 B. 左下乳侧切牙 C. 左上乳中切牙 D. 额外牙 E. 右下第二乳磨牙 [单选题]碳溶于面心立方晶格的γ-Fe中所形成固溶体称为( )。
A.铁素体 B.奥氏体 C.渗碳体 D.莱氏体 [判断题]使用电气设备时,由于导线截面选择过小,当电流较大时也会因发热过大而引发火灾。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. [判断题]瓦斯喷出区域和煤(岩)与瓦斯(二氧化碳)突出煤层的掘进通风方式可以不采用压入式。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]排放回风流与全风压风流汇合处的瓦斯和二氧化碳浓度都不得超过( )。
A.1.O% B.2.0% C.1.5% [多选题]关于列车编组号说法正确的是:()
A.A、第1、2位数字表示线路号 B.B、第3、4位数字代表列车顺序号 C.C、第5位数字代表每节车号(顺序号:1-6) D.D、第6位字母代表节车代号(A、B、C分别代表Tc车、Mp车、M车) [单选题]患者出现热结旁流,脐腹疼痛,按之坚硬有块,口干舌燥,脉滑实。治疗应首选的方剂是
A.济川煎 B.黄龙汤 C.大承气汤 D.小承气汤 E.调胃承气汤 我来回答: 提交