A farmer who lived in a small village suffered from a severe pain in his chest that never seemed to get any better. The doctor in the village had tried his best but had been unable to relieve his pain. The farmer finally decided that he would see a doctor in the nearest town. But as he was poor, he thought he first ought to find out what he would have to pay this doctor. He was told that a patient had to pay three pounds for the first visit and one pound for the second visit. The farmer thought about this for a long time, and then he decided to go and see the doctor in the town.
As he came into the doctor’s consulting room, he said, "Good morning, doctor. Here I am again." The doctor was a little surprised. He asked him a few questions, examined his chest and then took the pound which the farmer insisted on giving him. Then the doctor said with a smile, "Well, sir. There’s nothing new. Please take the same medicine I gave you the first time you
{{B}} Questions 62 to 66 are based on the
following passage.{{/B}} Dolphins have the power to make people feel better just by their presence, according to a leading marine biologist. "I cannot explain it in scientific terms but, without any doubt, everyone who sees them in the wild is lifted by them," Jonathan Gordon, of Oxford University Zoology Department, said. "You only ever see them in the wild if they want you to see them. They are the only wild animal that comes to man of their own free will and that makes you feel privileged. You get a buzz because they are joyful, and you can prove scientifically that they spend a lot of their life playing." Professor Gordon works for the International Fund for Animal Welfare and spends months on the organization’s research boat. "If things aren’t going well o A. Become happy. B. Raise up. C. Become depressed. D. Get excited. [多选题]在区间内列车停车进行防护、分部运行、装卸作业或使用紧急制动阀停车后再开车时,司机必须检查试验列车制动主管的( ),确认( ),具备( )后,方可( )。有运转车长的列车,应按运转车长的发车信号起动列车。
A.贯通状态 B.列车完整 C.开车条件 D.起动列车 [多项选择]企业在进行政府公关时要坚持()的原则。
A. 长久规划、持久行动 B. 双向沟通、主动协调 C. 全面出击、重点培育 D. 互惠互利、积极参与 E. 见机行事、临时处理 [判断题]静水压强大小与作用面的方向无关。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交