Among all the animals, the ape is most
like human beings. Both people and apes have the similar brain structure, the
similar nerve system, and the similar kind of blood. There are four kinds of apes: the chimpanzee ( 黑猩猩 ), the orangutan ( 猩猩), the gorilla (大猩猩), and the gibbon (长臂猿). They live in the deep forests and warm tropical regions of Africa and of Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. All apes are covered with brown, reddish-brown, or black hair everywhere on their bodies except their faces, feet, and hands. Their hands each have four fingers and a thumb that helps them grip things the way our thumbs help us. But they also have a thumb on each foot instead of a big toe. Thus they can hold things with their feet also. Having short, weak legs, apes do not walk on the ground very much. However, their arms A. chimpanzees can do better than human children B. chimpanzees can do many things that human children cannot do C. human children can do many things that chimpanzees cannot do D. the intelligence of chimpanzees is similar to that of human children [单选题]电气设备有三种工作状态,即运行、()、检修状态。
A.热备用 B.备用 C.试验 [多项选择]患者男,88岁。因“突然晕倒后发现左股骨颈骨折”入院,拟接受左人工股骨头置换。患者有50年吸烟史,戒烟10余年。在内科已经明确诊断的合并症包括高血压、冠心病、COPD、糖尿病和老年痴呆(轻度阿兹海默失智症)。入院前可以从事一般日常活动,偶尔发作心悸、胸闷等症状;气候变化或感冒后易发呼吸系统感染,通常需要住院治疗;高血压和糖尿病通过药物治疗控制良好。实验室检查:凝血功能正常,血小板正常范围;肝、肾功能正常。ECG://窦性心动过缓,快频率依赖性缺血。患者术后管理包括()。
A. 吸氧和加强生命体征监护 B. 镇痛 C. 处理恶心、呕吐 D. 早期活动 E. 预防便秘 F. 预防深静脉血栓 G. 输液管理 [判断题]729/1137 直流电压作用下流过绝缘介质的电流,电容充电电流是由于在电场作用下介质分子的快速极化过程形成的位移电流。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]使用生产价格法对农产品进行价格鉴证时,以下基本公式正确的有()。
A. 某种农产品价格鉴证值=该种产品的社会平均成本-税金+社会平均收益 B. 某种农产品价格鉴证值=该种产品的社会平均含税成本+社会平均纯收益 C. 某种农产品价格鉴证值=该种产品的社会平均成本×(1-社会平均收益率)÷(1+农业税税率) D. 某种农产品价格鉴证值=该种产品的社会平均含税成本+(1-平均纯收益率) E. 某种农产品价格鉴证值=该种产品的社会平均含税成本×(1+平均纯收益率) [单选题]下列电力设备当中,不宜应用超声波法进行局放检测的是()。
A.隔离开关 B.开关柜 C.GIS D.高压电缆终端 [多选题]工作面突出危险性预测中采用的钻屑指标法预测时应测定的指标为( )。
A.A、S值 B.B、q值 C.C、K1值或Δh2 D.D、Δp E.E、P [单选题]高铝砖属于( )耐火材料。
A.碱性 B.中性 C.酸性 D.综合性 [单选题]配电线路停电进行转角杆正杆工作,要求天气良好,风力不超过( )级。
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 [多选题]当站台发生拥挤时,车站值班员立即通知值班站长采取措施减缓进站客流,正确的措施为( )。
A.关闭部分自动售票机 B.关闭部分进站闸机 C.减缓人工售票速度 D.增加列车 我来回答: 提交