Global climate change, often seen as a
process stretching over thousands of years, could in fact occur abruptly and
unexpectedly-quickly pushing up temperatures by as much as 18 degrees Fahrenheit
and wreaking havoc(大破坏,浩劫) on human society, scientists warned on
Wednesday. "Climate change is not always smooth. Sometimes it is abrupt," said Richard Alley, a climate expert at Pennsylvania State University and lead author of a new National Academy of Sciences report on the threat of rapid climatic shifts. "If you have a very large, abrupt change, a lot of people and a lot of ecosystems are going to notice," he said."The bigger and faster it is, the harder it will be to deal with." The new National Academy of Sciences report, released this week, warns that gradual global warming coupled with other human impacts on the envir A. is unprecedented in human history B. will not happen in the near future C. will probably cause dramatic drop in temperature D. will last thousands of years once it happens [简答题]膳食指南中的食物是指哪五类食物
[单选题] 《民法典》 规定, 未经许可进入高度危险活动区域或者高度危险物存放区域受到损害, 管理人能够证明已经采取足够安全措施并尽到充分警示义务的, 减轻或者承担责任。 本题的正确答案是( )。
A. 可以、 少 B. 可以、 不 C. 应当、 少 D. 应当、 不 [单选题]高压试验结束时,试验人员应拆除自装的接地短路线,并对被试设备进行检查,恢复试验前的状态,经( )复查后,进行现场清理。
A.检修负责人 B.工作许可人 C.试验负责人 D.运维负责人 [填空题]领导平顺撰写经济责任述职报告,要求述职报告()、()、()。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]根据社会保障的资金筹资方式,可以将社会保障制度模式分为()。
A. 社会保险型模式 B. 国家福利型模式 C. 国家-单位保障型模式 D. 个人储蓄型模式 [单选题]不属于类风湿关节炎的临床特征的一项是:()
A.近端指间关节肿胀 B.远端指间关节肿胀 C.掌指关节肿胀 D.腕关节肿胀 E.四肢关节对称性肿胀 我来回答: 提交