The Red Cross is an international
organization which cares for people who are in need of help. A man in Paris
hospital who needs blood, a woman in Mexico who is injured in an earthquake, and
a family in India that lose their home in a storm may all be aided by the Red
Cross. The Red Cross exists in almost every country around the globe. The world Red Cross organizations are sometimes called the Red Crescent, the Red Mogen David, the Sun, and the Red Hon. All of these agencies share a common goal of trying to help people in need. The idea of forming an organization to help the sick and wounded during a war started with Jean Henri Dunant. In 1859, he observed how people were suffering on a battlefield in Italy. He wanted to help all the wounded people regardless of which side they were fighting for. The most important result of his work w A. costs very little money B. helps any people in need C. teaches first aid if necessary D. gets into trouble [单项选择]企业集体化阶段的主要目标是()
A. 立足于生存 B. 获得高速成长的市场机会 C. 扩大市场并寻找新的经济增长领域 D. 进行再造,获得新的活力 [单项选择]女,16岁,活动后心慌、气短、胸痛两周,两周前曾患"感冒",持续发热一周。查体:面色苍白,心界向左下扩大,心率120次/分,频发期前收缩。第一心音减弱。心尖区闻及奔马律及3/6级全收缩期杂音。心肌酶谱检查CK-MB80IU/L。最有可能的诊断是()
A. 急性病毒性心肌炎 B. 风湿性二尖瓣关闭不全 C. 扩张型心肌病 D. 急性风湿热 E. 急性心肌梗死 [单项选择]目前我国金融市场上的私募证券不包括()。
A. 信托投资公司发行的集合资金信托计划 B. 商业银行和证券公司发行的理财计划 C. 上市公司定向增发方式发行的有价证券 D. 证券交易所交易基金 [单项选择]液压系统工作时,油箱内温度应不超过()。
A. 50℃ B. 60℃ C. 70℃ D. 80℃ [单项选择]根据环保法规,西北和东北低硫煤地区脱硫效率达到()。
A. 80% B. 95% C. 90% D. 85% [单项选择]CT检查食管裂孔疝采用的方法是()
A. 单纯CT平扫 B. 平扫+增强 C. 单纯增强扫描 D. 口服高密度造影剂平扫 E. 动态增强扫描 [多选题]列车在FAM模式时,满足以下条件,则车载VOBC接受中心、车厂车辆调的休眠指令实施休眠。
A.预设最高驾驶模式为FAM B.列车(位置有效)停稳在休眠唤醒窗内 C.当前无任务或任务已完成 D.CAM模式下 [多项选择]中国四大自然奇观是:
A. 长江三峡 B. 桂林漓江 C. 三江并流 D. 昆明石林 E. 江城树挂 [单选题] 变压器内部主要绝缘材料有变压器油、()、电缆纸、皱纹纸等
A. 套管 B. 冷却器 C. 绝缘纸板 [单项选择]社区工作准备阶段的工作重点是()
A. 确定服务方案和筹集经费 B. 寻找和发现社区居民骨干 C. 巩固现有的居民组织 D. 与辖区单位共建和联盟 [单选题]5号线ATS工作站显示列车方向箭头为( )色,表示列车不按照时刻表运行。
A.A.稳定红 B.B.稳定绿 C.C.稳定蓝 D.D.稳定白 [单选题]“学生能够为乳腺癌病人制定一份行之有效的护理计划”这一目标属于认知领域的层次是( )
A.知识 B.分析 C.应用 D.综合 我来回答: 提交