One hundred new bookstalls that will
sell newspapers as well as books have been making their debut on city streets
since Saturday morning. The newsstands are part of the city’s efforts to improve the appearance of streets and neighborhoods. The newsstands’ design, featuring large glass window, will help the customers to see what is on sale at a glance. An electrical screen on the newsstands will announce immediately the arrival of the latest papers. There will be 1 000 newsstands by the end of the year. The newly formed company will manage the stalls. According to sources from the company, over 80 percent of the people hired to operate the stands will be recruited from laid-off workers. This means file project will help ease the city’s unemployment pressure, sources said. Al A. classify the bookstores B. beautify the streets and neighborhoods C. enrich people’s minds with knowledge D. increase people’s purchasing power [单项选择]因外伤导致休克的一位病人,在输液过程中,错误的护理措施是( )。
A. 见尿补钾 B. 有计划的安排输液顺序 C. 加强巡视,防止药物外溢 D. 用升压药物应快速滴入,以调整血压 E. 连续输液者,需每天更换输液器 [单选题]用机械牵引电缆时,绳索应有足够的机械强度,工作人员应站在安全位置,不得站在钢丝绳外角侧等危险地段。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单选题]一家产品单一的跨国公司在世界许多地区拥有客户和分支机构,该公司的组织结构 应考虑按什么因素来划分部门? ( ).
A.职能 B.产品 C.地区 D.矩阵结构 [简答题]掌握调查询问最后离开起火部位或在场人的主要内容?
A.香薷散 B.六一散 C.清暑益气汤 D.五苓散 [判断题]工作时人身与10kV带电体的距离为0.35m时,应采取带电作业方式。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]采用树干式供电系统(),由变电所的高压母线供电给一台或多台变压器,高压的进线和出线均装有()或负荷开关和熔断器。
车辆调头返回。( ) A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]根据区段站所担负的任务,主要办理的作业可以分为:客运业务、货运业务、运转作业、机车业务、车辆业务。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]科学美的特点有()
A. 简洁性 B. 对称性 C. 统一性 D. 易变性 E. 实用性 [多选题]车站控显系统区间口提供的控制菜单包括:()。
A.区间逻辑状态总解锁 B.区间逻辑检查开启 C.区间逻辑检查关闭 D.区间逻辑状态总锁 我来回答: 提交