A Festival for the Dead is held once a year in Japan. This festival is a cheerful occasion(场合), for on this day, the dead are said to return to their homes and they are welcomed by the living.
As they are expected to be hungry after their long journey, food is laid out for them. Specially-made lanterns are hung outside each house to help the dead to find their way. All night long, people dance and sing. In the early morning, the food that had been laid out for the dead is thrown into a river or into the sea as it is considered unlucky for anyone living to eat it. In towns that are near the sea, the tiny lanterns which had been hung in the street the night before, are placed into the water when the festival is over. Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journey to the other world. This is a moving spectacle, for crowds of people stand on the shore watching the la
A. of the lanterns
B. food is laid out for the dead
C. people stay up all night
D. the dead are welcomed home by the living
HELSINKI (AFP) - Finnish mobile phone
giant Nokia ({{U}}pews{{/U}}- {{U}}web sites{{/U}}) said it would expand its research
and development activities in China, boosting cooperation with Chinese
universities and swelling the number of phones designed and developed in the
country. "China is definitely a strategic part of Nokia’s global R and D network," Nokia’s chairman and CEO Jorma Ollila said in a statement Friday. Nokia said it had been granted government approval to run a postdoctoral program that will enable researchers to work on advanced telecommunications technology, like 3G and Chinese mobile applications, at the Nokia Research Center in China. The company also said it would create a unit which in cooperation with 10 Chinese universities will promote open platform technologies, and that it would estab [多选题]临时用电的电气设备周围不得存放( ),否则应采取防护处置措施,其防护等级必须与环境条件相适应。
A.易燃易爆物 B.污染源 C.腐蚀介质 D.机械设备。 [多选题]下列哪些是消防水泵房的设置要求?( )
A.单独建造的消防水泵房其耐火等级不应低于二级 B.附设在建筑内的消防水泵房不应设置在地下三层及以下或室内地面与室外出入口地坪高差大于10m的地下楼层 C.疏散门应直通室外或安全出口 D.单独建造的消防水泵房其耐火等级不应低于一级 [单项选择]2005心肺复苏指南中单或双人复苏时胸外按压与通气的比率为:
A. 30:2 B. 15:2 C. 30:1 D. 15:1 [单选题]降低线损的建设措施中,对配电网进行科学规划可增强配电网结构的( )。
A.A、单一性 B.重复性 C.复杂性 D.合理性 [判断题]溴化氢可以与水混溶,可混溶于醇、乙酸。
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A.抢劫犯罪 B.盗窃犯罪 C.毒品犯罪 D.贪污贿赂犯罪 [单项选择]房地产开发投资企业所得税税率一般为( )。
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A. 应用抗代谢药物 B. 再障 C. 恶性贫血 D. 营养性巨幼细胞性贫血 E. 炎症恢复期 [多选题](多选题,2分)
网络技术的运用,使得教育资源具有更多的优势:如( ) A.多媒体化 B.交互性 C.开放性 D.协作性 [判断题]换模时间指从生产中的上一品种加工结束后,到下一品种的加工出良品的时间。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1019绝缘轨距块哪三个接头轨距块为非黑色?
A.7、8、9 B.8、9、10 C.9、10、11 D.11、12、13 [单项选择]______ refers to a secret organization of Italian criminals and blackmailers which operated in the U. S. A.
A. Blackguard B. Blackleg C. Black flag D. Blackhand [判断题]ZK3-A型电空转辙机的小锁闭阀活塞装入阀体后,不应太紧,也不应太松,以免造成漏风,一般用手可以来回推动拉动就可以了。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]孟氏骨折的诊断应注意的是:
A. 肘部软组织损伤的程度 B. 骨折所处的位置 C. 是否属粉碎性骨折 D. 有无血管损伤 E. 是否合并上、下尺桡关节脱位 [单选题]>汽机停机后盘车未能及时投入或在盘车继续运行中停止时,应查明原因,修复后( )再投入连续盘车。
A.先盘90度 B.先盘180度 C.先盘180度直轴后 我来回答: 提交