Recycling Around the World{{/B}} Recycling is one of the best environmental success stories of the late 20th century. But we could do more. People must not see recycling as fashionable, but essential. The Japanese are very good at recycling because they live in a crowded country. They do not have much space. They do not want to share their limited space with rubbish. But even so, Tokyo area alone is estimated to have three million tons of leftover rubbish at present. In 1996, the United States recycled and composted (制成肥料) 57 million tons of waste (27% of the nation’s solid waste). This is 57 million tons of waste which did not go into landfills and incinerators (焚化炉). In doing this, 7,000 rubbish collection programmes and recycli A. Tokyo. B. Rockford, C. Hong Kong. D. London. [判断题]分组交换是采用统计时分复用交换技术
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]只要安装适当的地面装置,可以把气侵的修井液再重复循环到井内。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]杂剧《歌代啸》中李和尚精通医术,会治牙齿。
A. 氨 B. 苯 C. 二氧化硫 [多项选择]护理人员绩效评价结果可以发挥下列哪些作用()
A. 人员教育作用 B. 人员管理作用 C. 人事决策作用 D. 组织诊断作用 E. 人员激励作用 [名词解释]盲巷
A. 下壁心肌梗死 B. 前间隔心肌梗死 C. 前壁心肌梗死 D. 广泛前壁心肌梗死 E. 正后壁心肌梗死 [单选题]假定A国居民公司在某纳税年度中总所得为10万元,其中来自A国的所得5万元,来自B国的所得2万元,来自C国的所得3万元。A、B、C三国的所得税率分别为30%、25%和30%,若A国采取综合限额抵免法,则该公司的抵免限额为( )。
A.1.4万元 B.1.6万元 C.1.5万元 D.3万元 [单项选择]一个共享草图是()。
A. 与派生草图相同 B. 复制草图,并具有相同的尺寸 C. 从模型边线转换为草图 D. 一个草图其轮廓被多次使用 [单项选择]It was sunny. A small boy and his father (41) a walk in the country. It suddenly began to rain hard. They didn’ t have their umbrellas (42) them and there was nowhere to hide from (43) rain, (44) they were soon (45) . As they walking (46) through the rain, the boy (47) his father and asked him, "Why does it rain, Father It isn’ t very nice, isn’ t it " " (48) very nice, but it’ s useful, Tom," (49) his father. "It rains to make the fruit and the vegetable grow for us," Tom thought about this for a moment, and then he said, "Then, why does it rain on the road (50) , Father /
A. turned m B. turned in C. cried [单项选择]关于一元线性回归的预测顺序,正确的是( )。
A. 输入历史统计数据→回归检验→预测结果分析→计算 B. 输人历史统计数据→计算→回归检验→输出预测结果分析 C. 输入历史统计数据→计算回归参数→回归检验→计算→预测结果分析→输出预测结果分析 D. 输入历史统计数据→计算回归参数→计算→回归检验→预测结果分析→输出预测结果分析 [多选题]ZD6型电动转辙机常见的电机故障有()
A.A、电机转子线圈开路 B.B、碳刷接触不良 C.C、线头脱焊 D.D、电机端子松动 E.E、对地及线间绝缘不良 [判断题]触电者无心跳而需进行胸外心脏按压法抢救时,每分钟按压次数应为30次。
[多选题] 典型的凝汽系统主要由下列( )设备组成。
A.直接空冷 B.凝结水泵 C.抽气器 D.热井 [多选题]列车在站内临时停车,待停车原因消除且继续运行时,按以下规定执行:( )。
A.司机主动停车时,自行起动列车 B.其他列车乘务人员使用紧急制动阀(紧急制动装置)停车时,由车辆乘务员(随车机械师)通知司机开车 C.车站接发车人员使列车在站内临时停车时,由车站按规定发车(动车组列车由车站通知司机开车) D.其他原因的临时停车,车站值班员应组织司机、车辆乘务员(随车机械师)等查明停车原因,在列车具备运行条件后,由车站按规定发车(动车组列车由车站通知司机开车) [填空题]硬脑膜外血肿典型的意识障碍是在原发性意识障碍之后,经过(),再度出现意识障碍,并渐次加重。
A. 心神不足 B. 髓海空虚 C. 肝失疏泄 D. 肝升太过 E. 神不守舍 [多选题]下列关于事业支出的会计处理中正确的有( )。
A.期末,将事业支出(财政补助支出)本期发生额结转入"财政补助结转"科目 B.期末,将事业支出(非财政专项资金支出)本期发生额结转入"非财政补助结转"科目 C.将事业支出(其他资金支出)本期发生额结转入"事业结余"科目 D.将事业支出(其他资金支出)本期发生额结转入"事业基金"科目 [判断题]电力机车禁止驶入接触网停电区和无网区,禁止在分相中性区、电力机车禁停标区域、分段绝缘器下方停车升弓取流。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在小电流接地系统中,某处发生单相接地时,母线电压互感器开口三角的电压为( )。
A.故障点距母线越近,电压越高 B.故障点距母线越近,电压越低 C.不管距离远近,基本上电压一样高 D.不定 [判断题]对发生事故而没有煤矿领导带班下井的煤矿,情节严重的,提请有关人民政府依法予以关闭。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
How to Survive a Layoff You’ve lost your job, but it’s not the end of your career. Get the help you need to set you back on track with advice from the experts. Don’t Panic! After a job loss, it may seem like your world is crashing in all at once. Stay calm and resist the urge to make any sudden moves — like sending a harshly critical e-mail or making a scene on your way out — that could hurt you in the long run. "It’s completely normal to feel panic after a job loss," says Lynn Joseph, Ph.D., psychologist and author of "’The Job-Loss Recovery Guide". Your self-esteem can also take a hit, especially if you think you’ve been singled out. "Logically and intellectually we know that (we may have been part of a mass layoff), but emotionally we take it personally," Joseph says. With so many emotions at play, the key is to think before you act. Remember, your goal is to leave your job gracefully and w A. Argue with the employer about the reason for the layoff. B. Remain even-tempered and avoid radical behaviors. C. Make a fair comment on their job performance. D. Send the company e-mails to ask for compensation. [单选题]资金监管系统操作,扫码付目前列入银行卡支付,录入建设银行【扫码付】。[1.0]
A.是 B.否 [简答题]轨道电路分路不良区段办理调车作业的规定?
[多选题] 76用电信息采集系统中,在台区考核单元,线损计算分析中,需打√的项目有()。
A.台区是否考核 B.台区是否公用变压器 C.是否有考核表 D.台区是否运行 [单选题] 易爆炸类药品,如苦味酸、高氯酸、 ( )、过氧化氢等,应放在低温处保管。
A.高氯酸盐 B.碳酸盐 C.硫酸盐 D.硅酸盐 [判断题]可燃粉尘爆炸应具备的条件不包括具有较大的颗粒度。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在水/钢界面上,如水中入射角为7°,在钢中存在的主要振动波形是横波。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]关于“未经人民法院依法判决,对任何人都不得确定有罪”理解正确的是( )。
A.只有人民法院才有确定被告人有罪的权力 B.公安机关、检察机关在侦查、起诉阶段对犯罪嫌疑人作出的有罪确认是程序上的,不具有终局性 C.人民法院确定任何人有罪,必须依法判决 D.未经依法开庭审理、作出判决,并正式宣判,人民法院不得确定任何人有罪 我来回答: 提交