The lives of very few Newark residents
are untouched by violence: New Jersey’s biggest city has seen it all Yet the
murder of three young people, who were forced to kneel before being shot in the
back of the head in a school playground on August 4th, has shaken the city. A
fourth, who survived, was stabbed and shot in the face. The four victims were by
all accounts good kids, all enrolled in college, all with a future. But the
cruel murder, it seems, has at last forced Newarkers to say they have had
enough. Grassroots organizations, like Stop Shootin’, have been flooded with offers of help and support since the killings. Yusef Ismail, its co-founder, says the group has been going door-to-door asking people to sign a pledge of non-violence. They hope to get 50000 to promise to "stop shootin’, start thinkin’, and keep livin’." The Newark Community Foundati A. idealistic B. impractical C. effective D. fruitless [单选题]山药善治的泄泻类型是( )
A.饮食积滞,腹满泄泻 B.湿热内蕴,腹痛泄泻 C.湿盛中满,积滞溏泄 D.脾虚泄泻 E.五更泄泻 [单选题]地下配电站过道和楼梯处,应设()和应急照明等。
A.防踏空线 B.逃生指示 C.防绊跤线 D.挡鼠板 E.略 F.略 [简答题]媒体的三种运行模式:
[判断题]转换LCU前先将司机钥匙(570QS)断开,确认面板上的电源开关在“关”位,再进行A\B组切换。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题] (1)某工业企业在材料采购业务核算中设置“应付账款”和“预付账款”等账户,2009年9月“应付账款”和“预付账款”总账及所属明细账的期初余额如下: “应付账款”账户贷方余额54 000元。其中:A工厂40 000元 B工厂14 000元 “预付账款”账户借方余额25 000元。其中:C工厂15 000元 D工厂10 000元 (2)该企业本月发生下列经济业务: ①8日,以银行存款30 000元,偿还所欠A工厂的货款。 ②10日,收到C工厂发来的材料并验收入库。材料的买价23 400元,对方代垫运费800元。款项已于上月预付。 ③15日,从B工厂购进材料一批,买价11 700元,全部款项尚未支付。材料尚未验收入库。 ④22日,通过银行补付C工厂购料款9 200元。 (该企业在材料采购业务核算中只设“应付账款”账户,不设“预付账款”账户,企业发生的预付账款业务在“应付账款”账户中核算,其他资料不变。) (1)根据所给资料开设“应付账款”总账及所属明细账并登记期初余额; (2)根据上述经济业务编制会计分录并登记入账; (3)结计以上账户的本期发生额及余额。
[单选题] 陈某盗窃他人财物被公安机关查获,办案民警在调查中发现其15周岁,对陈某应( )。
A. 免予处罚 B. 从轻处罚 C. 从轻或减轻处罚 D. 减轻处罚 [单选题]对尖锐物的防护方法不正确的是( )。(中)
A.消防人员要注意观察地面有无碎玻璃、刀具、钉子或金属、竹、木、硬塑料的尖端和薄片,防止被刺或割伤。 B.通过碎玻璃区域时,要穿着较厚的水靴。 C.破拆时,要按规范要求进行操作,防止被尖利的碎片划伤。 D.必须通过碎玻璃区域时,要穿着防刺消防靴,佩戴防割或较厚的手套后,视情况可以清除玻璃碎片。 [判断题]( )其他站线混凝土枕地段,轨距在临时补修时容许偏差管理值为+17-9mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Mike: Why haven’t more women chosen careers in science Alice: Well, first of all, most children grow up with the idea that boys understand science more easily than girls do. This continues in the high school and college years. Later, it’s hard for a woman to get a job in science. Mike: ______. Alice: Well, no, I didn’t. A career doesn’t get in the way. My husband and children try to understand my work and they are willing to help me. I know many women scientists who have happily arrived and have families.
A. Did you sacrifice a family for your work B. Did you feel happy with your life C. Did you have something interesting to share with us D. Did you get a higher salary 我来回答: 提交