It’s easy to get the sense these days
that you’ve stumbled into a party with some powerful drug that dramatically
alters identity. The faces are familiar, but the words coming out of them
aren’t. Something has happened to a lot of people you used to think you knew.
They’ve changed into something like their own opposite. There’s Bill Gates, who these days is spending less time earning money than giving it away--and pulling other billionaires into the deep end of global philanthropy(慈善事业) with him. There’s historian Francis Fukuyama, leading a whole gang of disaffected fellow travelers away from neoconservatism. To flip-flopis human. It can still sometimes be a political liability, evidence of a flaky disposition or rank opportunism. But there are circumstances in which not to reverse course seems almost pathological(病态的). He’s A. they have eaten some drug which can change their identities. B. they become to consider the connections between different things. C. they want to succeed in catching some political opportunities. D. they have been stimulated by some big changes in their life experiences. [单选题]各风缸焊修后,须施行( )的水压试验,保压3min不得漏泄
A.700kPa B.800kPa C.900kPa D.1000kPa [填空题]有机化合物中的化学键多为()键。
某公司的有关资料如下: [单选题]直接消耗一次热媒,中间设备极少,一次补充热媒量大的供热管道系统是( )
A.闭式系统 B.开式系统 C.蒸气系统 D.凝水系统 [单项选择]在关系数据库中,对一个关系做投影操作后,新关系的元组个数将( )。
A. 只改变这个节的宽度 B. 只改变报表的页眉、页脚宽度 C. 改变整个报表的宽度 D. 因为报表的宽度是确定的,所以不会有任何改变 [判断题]高压设备接地故障时,室外不得接近故障点6m以内。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]物业服务收费应当区分不同物业的性质和特点,分别实行政府指导价和市场调节价。( )
[单选题]《安全生产法》规定:煤矿企业的主要负责人应当保证本单位安全生产方面的投入用于本单位的( )工作。
A.管理 B.日常 C.安全生产 我来回答: 提交