Robert Spring, a 19th century forger
(伪造者), was so good at his profession that he was able to make his living for 15
years by selling false signatures of famous Americans. Spring was born in
England in 1813 and arrived in Philadelphia in 1858 to open a bookstore. At
first he prospered by selling his small but genuine collection of early U.S.
autographs. Discovering his ability at copying handwriting, he began imitating
signatures of George Washington and Ben Franklin and writing them on the title
pages of old books. To lessen the chance of detection, he sent his forgeries to
England and Canada for sale and circulation. Forgers have a hard time selling their products. A forger can’t approach a respectable buyer but must deal with people who don’t have much knowledge in the field. Forgers have many ways to make their w A. sharp-eyed experts B. persons who aren’t experts C. book dealers D. owners of old books [单选题]蓄电池内阻测试仪可用于测量蓄电池的_____和开路电压
A.容量 B.内阻 C.寿命 D.电流 [判断题]接警员应适时提醒报警人注意安全,辅助其开展自救,做好消防车到场前的处置工作,并指导其到路口接迎消防力量。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]恒星A是9等星而恒星B是4等星,则()。
A. 恒星B比恒星A亮5倍 B. 恒星B比恒星A亮100倍 C. 恒星A比恒星B亮5倍 D. 恒星A比恒星B亮100倍 [单选题]无双向自动闭塞设备的双线区间反方向发车时,列车进入区间的行车凭证为( )。
A.出站信号的黄色或绿色灯光 B.路票 C.绿色许可证 D.调度命令 [判断题]焊接切割设备的安装、检查和维修时焊工可自行检查和修理
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当主风缸的压力值低于( )时,两台空压机同时启动,当主风缸的压力值达到( )时,两台空压机都停止.
A.7.5bar,9bar. B.6bar,8bar. C.7.5bar,9.5bar. D.7bar,9bar. [单选题]蒸汽压缩式制冷中,制冷剂由气态变为液态是在()中进行的。
A.蒸发器 B.压缩机 C.冷凝器 [单项选择]下列有关术语的叙述中错误的是()
A. 药剂学是研究药物制剂的处方设计、基本理论、生产技术、质量控制和合理应用的综合性技术学科 B. 药物剂型是适合疾病诊断、治疗或预防的需要而制备的不同给药形式 C. 药物的剂型包括有散剂、胶囊剂、注射剂、乳剂、气雾剂等多种形式 D. 各剂型中的具体药品称为药物制剂 E. 制剂的研究过程也称为药剂学 [多选题]党的十九大报告指出,以疏解北京非首都功能为“牛鼻子”推动京津冀协同发展,()雄安新区。
A.高起点规划 B.高标准建设 C.国际化规划 D.开放式建设 [判断题]允许速度120km/h及以上线路必须使用百米定尺轨。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]甲型肝炎病程中,传染性最强的阶段是
A. 潜伏期 B. 黄疸前期 C. 黄疸期 D. 恢复期 E. 慢性期 [单项选择]有抽象逻辑思维,思维具备可逆性、补偿性和灵活性是认知发展阶段的哪个阶段()
A. 感知运动阶段 B. 前运算阶段 C. 具体运算阶段 D. 形式运算阶段 [单选题]高压验电前,验电器应先在有电设备上试验,确认证验电器良好;无法在有电设备上试验时,可用( )等确证验电器良好。
A.高频高压发生器 B.工频高压发生器 C.低频高压发生器 D.工频低压发生器 E.略 我来回答: 提交