You’ve probably heard the reports that moderate drinking can actually be good for your heart. But before you stock up (囤积) on beer, wine, or liquor for "medicinal purposes", read the fine print.
Guidelines published by the Department of Health and Human Services define moderate drinking as no more than a drink a day for most women and no more than two drinks a day for most men. But even moderate drinking may be ill-advised as you get older.
Research shows that as you age, you absorb alcohol more readily and are more sensitive to its effects. So the number of drinks you could tolerate years ago may be too much for you now. Why First, your body’s ratio of water to fat falls as you age, so there’s less water to dilute (稀释) the alcohol. Second, you have less blood flow to the liver and less efficient liver enzyme action, so your body doesn’t metabolize (新陈代谢) alcohol as readily.
Women need to be especially careful, since most
A. moderate drinking does harm to diabetic patients
B. moderate drinking is most beneficial to healthy people
C. moderate drinking reduce diabetic people’s risks of coronary heart disease
D. moderate drinking does more good to men than to women
{{B}}Centers of the Great European
Cities{{/B}} The centers of the great cities of Europe are meeting places by tradition. People gather there to drink coffee and chat late into the night. A mixture of locals and tourists make for an exciting, metropolitan (大都市的) atmosphere. Squares, plazas (广场) and arcades (拱廊) form the heart of Europe’s cities. Venice in Italy has the Piazza San Marco - a beautiful square surrounded by shops, churches, restaurants and cafes. In Barcelona, Spain, La Bosqueria is a lively market with hundreds of stalls selling all kinds of goods. London’s Covent Garden is filled with fruit and vegetable stalls by day and musicians, acrobats (杂技演员) and artists by night. The government buildings at the center of many cities often are architecturally impres A. has many large squares B. has many very magnificent sky-scrapers C. draws tourists in large numbers every year D. has a center where tourists meet their spouses [多选题]雨雪天气后,应对高处作业安全设施进行检查,当发现有( )等现象时,应立即修理完善,维修合格后方可使用。 ( )
A.松动 B.变形 C.损坏 D.脱落 [单选题]客户个人的投资行为往往是通过金融体系中的投资部门实现的,按照全球通行的划分方法,通常将金融业务分为四大部门,以下选项中不属于该四大部门业务的是()。
A.保险业务 B.经纪业务 C.信托业务 D.资产管理业务 [单项选择]()的编制基础是经营预算和专门决策预算。
A. 制造费用预算 B. 现金预算 C. 管理费用预算 D. 销售费用预算 [简答题]1 消防安全主要包括-------措施。
[单选题]熟食课“冷熟食”大分类代码为:( )。
A. 134 B. 135 C. 137 D. 138 [多选题]以下对油样输运和保存的说法中,错误的是()。
A.做油中水分含量的油样不得超过4天 B.油样应尽快进行分析,运输方式应尽可能避免海运 C.油样运输和保存期间,必须避光,并保证注射器芯不能自由滑动 D.做油中气体分析的油样不得超过4天 [单选题]审计组在审计取证结束后,将审计实施阶段查实的各种问题和事实分类整理后,审计组长组织成员对审计取证材料进行讨论、分析、判断,形成()。
A.《审计工作底稿》 B.《现场审计取证单》 C.《审计通知书》 D.《审计整改通知书》 [判断题]指挥列车运行的命令和口头指示,只能由列车调度员发布。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]功率放大器主要用作信号放大,为负载提供足够大的( )。
A.(A)信号 B.(B)功率 C.(C)电压 D.(D)不能确定 [单项选择]当银行出现违规行为,对违规机构采取的监管强制措施不包括()
A. 责令控股股东转让股权或限制有关股东权利 B. 撤销高管人员 C. 申请冻结银行账户资金,对银行实施接管 D. 依法撤销违规银行等 [单选题]防洪指挥部门对山坡、堑坡、隧道仰坡危石;桥涵淤塞、锥体下沉损坏、基础冲刷及导流设施破损等汛期可能危及行车安全必须立即加固处理的处所审定预抢方案,由( )单位组织施工。
A.防洪 B.设计 C.施工 D.设备管理 我来回答: 提交