The importance and focus of the
interview in the work of the print and broadcast journalist is reflected in
several books that have been written on the topic. Most of these books, as well
as several chapters, mainly in, but not limited to, journalism and broadcasting
handbooks and reporting texts, stress the "how to" aspects of journalistic
interviewing rather than the conceptual aspects of the interview, its context,
and implications. Much of the "how to" material is based on personal experiences
and general impressions. As we know, in journalism as in other fields, much can
be learned from the systematic study of professional practice. Such study
brings together evidence from which broad generalized principles can be
developed. There is, as has been suggested, a growing body of research literature . A. journalism B. broadcasting practices C. job interviews D. journalistic interviews [单选题]其带电冲洗的用水电阻率不应低于( )。
A.1×105Ω·cm B.1×106Ω·cm C.1×107Ω·cm D.1×108Ω·cm [单选题]主要设备到货后,( )应共同验收。
A.建设部门、运输部门人员 B.制造厂、监理部门人员 C.制造厂、运输部门、用户三方人员 D.建设部门、运输部门、监理三方人员 [单选题]国家电网有限公司战略目标中,( )是根本,( )是追求, ( )是方向,明确回答了公司“走什么道路、到什么程度、干成 什么样”等重大问题。
A.具有中国特色、国际领先、能源互联网 B.国际领先、具有中国特色、能源互联网 C.能源互联网、国际领先、具有中国特色 D.具有中国特色、能源互联网、国际领先 [判断题]连线机先封物理长边后封物理短边,并开启跟踪功能。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]允许速度vmax>160km/h的线路,轨端或轨顶面剥落掉块长度超过( )且深度超过3mm时判为重伤。
A.15mm B.20mm C.25mm D.30mm [判断题]消防救援队伍举行升国旗时,指战员行举手礼。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在有爆炸危险的场所及危险品仓库内,应采用防爆型电气设备,开关应装在()。(1.0分)
A.室内 B.室外 C.开关箱内 D.配电箱内 [多项选择]以下防水卷材耐热性指标低于110℃的有()。
A. GB23441-2009中N类卷材 B. GB18242-2008中ⅠPY类 C. GB/T23457-2009中PY类 D. GB18243-2008中ⅡPY类 [单项选择]There are few stranger alliances in America’s culture wars than the one between nativists and multiculturalists on the subject of assimilating immigrants. Nativists argue that the great American assimilation machine is broken beyond repair. Immigrants arrived in such quantities in the 1980’s and 1990’s that they can seclude themselves in ethnic enclaves rather than merging into the mainstream. And the growing ease of communications means that they have no need to loosen their ties with their original countries. The Italians who passed through Ellis Island at the turn of the century had little hope of seeing their motherland again. The multiculturalists agree with the nativists’ premises but go on to draw radically different conclusions. "Mainstream America" was never anything more than a codeword for racial oppression, they argue. The arrival of millions of unassimilated immigrants is requiring America to abandon the old notion of a melting pot and turn itself instead into a "gorgeous
A. the nativists. B. the multiculturalists. C. Gregory Rodriguez. D. mainstream America Part Ⅵ WRITING [判断题]生产、储存、经营除易燃易爆危险品以外的其他物品的场所不得与居住场所设置在同一建筑物内。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在杆塔上作业时,应使用有后备保护绳或速差自锁器的双控背带式安全带,当后备保护绳超过( )m时,应使用缓冲器。
A.1.5 B.2 C.2.5 D.3 [判断题]车辆在出警行驶途中,驾驶员和指挥员应加强行车观察,指挥员可以短暂睡觉休息。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 对电击伤、电灼伤叙述正确的是( )。[1.0分]
A. 电击伤是指电流通过人体时造成表皮损伤 B. 电击伤是指电流通过人体,引起人体内部组织损伤、破坏的一种伤害 C. 电灼伤是指电流不通过人体仍造成内部组织损伤 D. 电灼伤是指电流不通过人体,引起人体外部组织受到局部损害的一种伤害 [单选题]重新启动TDCS系统机柜路由器可通过()来实现。
A.重新开关机柜输入电源 B.拔掉再插上网线 C.重新开关路由器电源开关 D.重启通信机 [单项选择]下面关于液晶显示器LCD的叙述中,不正确的是
A. 液晶显示器适合于大规模集成电路直接驱动,厚度薄、重量轻 B. 液晶显示器难以实现全彩色显示 C. 液晶显示器的有效视角不如CRT宽 D. 液晶显示器具有工作电压低、没有辐射危害的优点 [单选题]消防车通道的最小转弯半径是消防车回转时消防车的前轮外侧循圆曲线行走轨迹的半径:普通消防车的转弯半径为9m,登高车的转弯半径为( )m
A.10 B.11 C.12 D.13 [单选题]第五套人民币五元的正面主景图案是采用()
A.凹印 B.胶印 C.丝印 D.凸印 [单项选择]“本太阳病,医反下之,因尔腹满时痛者”,其“腹满时痛”是病属()
A. 太阴 B. 阳明 C. 少阴 D. 厥阴 E. 少阳 [单选题]高频载波信号通常使用的频率为()KHz,对于50HZ工频来说,耦合电容器呈现的阻抗要比对前者呈现的阻抗值大600∽10000倍,基本上相当于开路。对高频载波信号来说,则接近于短路,所以耦合电容器可作为载波高频信号通路,并可隔开工频高压。
A.5~10 B.10∽200 C.20∽250 D.30∽500 [判断题]安全工器具使用前,应检查确认绝缘部分无裂纹、无老化、无绝缘层脱落、无严重伤痕等现象以及固定连接部分无松动、无锈蚀、无断裂等现象。对其绝缘部分的外观有疑问时应经绝缘试验合格后方可使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]使用列尾装置的货物列车,关门车在列车中连续连挂不得超过2辆。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交