Unlike the scientist, the engineer is
not free to select the problem which interests him;he must solve the problems as
they arise, and his solutions must satisfy conflicting requirements. Typically,
the engineering solution to most problems must take into account many
factors. To the engineer, efficiency means output divided by input. His job is to secure a maximum output for a given input or to secure a given output with a minimum input. The ratio may be expressed in terms of energy, materials, money, time, or man. Most commonly the denominator (分母) is money;in fact, most engineering problems are answered ultimately in dollars and cents. The emphasis on efficiency leads to the large, complex operations which are characteristic of engineering. The processing of the new antibiotic and vaccine A. A.He must choose the long-term solution to a problem. B.He may study the problem he has an interest in. C.He can avoid the conflict between work and pleasure. D.He should be familiar with some engineering problems. [填空题]The following paragraphs are taken from the text, followed by a list of
words or expressions. Choose the one that best completes each of the
This is one of the oldest 1 , and it can be practiced anywhere, at any age, and with or without the use of 2 . It always has been the 3 of choice for people who find the world too 4 or too complex to be 5 . By definition, this way of life is 6 . In one way or another, its practitioners 7 the society which they 8 and in which they refuse to take any responsibility. The trouble with this solution is that it no longer is practical 9 . Our planet, unfortunately, is 10 noble savages and 11 landscapes; except for the polar regions, the 12 are gone. A few gentleman farmers with plenty of money can still escape to the 13 life—but 14 the stream of migration is flowing the other way. So at least the historical evidence seems to suggest. When I was graduating from college, my 15 also found the world in a mess. The economic machinery had 16 down almost everywhere: In this country 17 a quarter of the population was out of work. A major war seemed all too 18 . As a college newspaper editor at that time, I protested 19 this just as vehemently as student 20 are protesting today. A. running out of B. batten on C. unsullied D. endured E. generation F. nearly G. against H. parasitic I. frontiers J. in general K. bucolic L. brutal M. hallucinogens N. strategy O. broken P. likely Q. activists R. expedients S. scorn T. on a large scale [单选题]滚水坝救援中,不是造成伤亡的因素是( )
A.水的翻滚扰动会产生大量气泡,导致游在其中的人或动物浮力减小,容易沉入水底。 B.上下翻滚的水流会产生很大的吸力,原本能浮在水面的人或动物也难以控制自己的方向,会被吸入水底。 C.被吸入水底后,被困人员或动物会随着水流向下游转移。 D.激流中可能会裹挟石块、木块等杂物,跌入其中的人或动物容易遭受撞击或磕碰石壁而昏迷。 [名词解释]柱桩
A. 小儿急性阑尾炎 B. 先天性巨结肠 C. 胃肠炎 D. 急性肠套叠 E. 肠系膜淋巴结炎 [多选题]下列( )情形,应当认定为工伤。
A.在工作时间和工作场所内,因工作原因受到事故伤害的。 B.工作时间前后在工作场所内,从事与工作有关的预备性或者收尾性工作受到事故伤害的 C.在工作时间和工作场所内,因履行工作职责受到暴力等意外伤害的。 D.在下班路上,因酒后驾车受到交通事故伤害的 [单项选择]下列单位不属于事业单位范畴的是______。
A. 气象局 B. 林业研究所 C. 出版社 D. 福利企业 [多项选择]商品不合理运输主要有以下几种表现形式:______、重复运输、无效运输、运力选择不当和托运方式选择不当。
A. 迂回运输 B. 过远运输 C. 对流运输 D. 倒流运输 E. 亏吨运输 [单选题]本行高级管理层有效管理本行案件风险,( )是案防制度制定和执行的第一责任人。
A.董事长 B.行长 C.管理层 D.部门负责人 [单选题](B737ng)南航波音737-800发动机的HPT共几级?
A.3 B. 4 C. 6 D.1 [单项选择]下列关于目前国际化标准组织拟定的集装基础模式尺寸,错误的是( )。
A. 1200mm×1000mm B. 1200mm×800mm C. 1100mm×1100mm D. 1200mm×1100mm [多选题]310.带电立杆作业,在电杆起立过程中,应注意( ABC)与带电导线的安全距离。
A.吊车臂 B.钢丝绳套 C.电杆 D.绝缘斗 [简答题]1 对穿过施工现场的外电线路,没按规定采取防护措施,将其与作业场所绝缘隔离。-------
[单项选择]由政府直接制定重要商品的价格,这属于政府管理价格的( )
A. 经济手段 B. 政治手段 C. 法律手段 D. 行政手段 [单选题] 消防轻型安全绳在库内存放时,要放置在阴凉.通风处,并且按要求( ) ,扎牢。(易)
A.使用 B.装饰 C. 盘好 D. 散放 [单项选择]16世纪时期,西班牙移民在南美洲定居时,西班牙国会颁布的法令是:()
A. 每个移民在自己的领地上要让每个奴隶每年种植10棵葡萄树 B. 每杀死一个印第安纳原住民,每个移民都可以得到一个像木桶的葡萄酒 C. 每十个移民中的一个要成为葡萄酒农 [判断题]TYJL-Ⅱ型计算机联锁系统严禁修改各类记录数据但记录文件可作修改。
A. 面部 B. 颈部 C. 躯干 D. 四肢 E. 手足心 [单项选择]男,25岁,上呼吸道感染后4天见肉眼血尿,无皮疹水肿,BP14.7/10.7kPa,首先怀疑()
A. 急性肾炎 B. 过敏性紫癜肾 C. 隐匿性肾炎、IgA肾病 D. 泌尿系结石 E. 肾结核 [简答题]He refuses to compete on Sundays____________________ (因为他的宗教信仰).
[单选题]黑龙江省佳木斯西北方向某县的一多层建筑在设计时,《建筑结构荷载规范》(GB 50009—2012)附录E中没有给出该县的基本雪压,但当地气象部门给出年最大积雪深度为0.50m,由此设计单位可按《建筑结构荷载规范》(GB 50009—2012)附录E第
E.1.2条规定确定雪压值s=( )kN/m2。
A.0.50 B.0.60 C.0.74 D.0.80 [多项选择]以下哪些项是生源地信用助学贷款申请材料的应避免出现的问题?()
A. 资格审查单位公章不清晰 B. 签名时使用圆珠笔 C. 时间不符合逻辑要求 D. 共同借款人不是父母 [简答题]坚持马克思主义在我国哲学社会科学领域的指导地位需解决哪些问题?
[单选题]( )是工程项目质量安全管理的第一责任人,应对工程项目落实带班制度负责。
A. 总工程师 B. 项目负责人 C. 副经理 D. 安全总监 [单选题]异物哽塞后可实施 。
A.心肺复苏术 B.除颤术 C.上腹挤压术 D.包扎术 [单项选择]The country of Croatia may have given birth to the necktie. Sometime during the 1630s or 1640s, Croatian mercenaries(雇佣军) involved in the Thirty Years’’ War visited King Louis XIV of France. The king was very (47)______ by the soldiers’’ traditional uniforms, which (48)______ soft scarves tied around their necks. By 1650, Louis and his court were wearing Croatian neck scarves instead of the full lace ruffs that had (49)______ been fashionable.
Some sources suggest the Croatians weren’’t the first to wear neckties. One of the oldest examples of a necktie is found on the life-size terracotta soldiers buried with Chinese emperor Shih Huang Ti in 210 B.C.. Each solider wears a carefully (50)______ silk cloth around its neck. However, these images are unique, and there is no (51)______ that Chinese men commonly wore neckties.
It seems clear that King Louis XTV (52)______ the necktie. Exiled King Charles II of England brought the French cravat with him when he returned to his
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