It is often observed that the aged
spend much time thinking and talking about their past lives, (71)
about the future. These reminiscences are not simply random or trivial
memories, (72) is their purpose merely to make conversation.
The old person’s recollections of the past help to (73) an
identity that is becoming increasingly fragile: (74) any role
that brings respect or any goal that might provide (75) to
the future, the individual mentions his past as a reminder to listeners, that
here was a life (76) living. (77) , the
memories form part of a continuing life (78) , in which the
old person (79) the events and experiences of the years gone
by and (80) on the overall meaning of his or her own almost
completed life. As the life cycle (81) to its close, the aged mus A. keeps B. draws C. inclines D. tends [判断题]施工作业需接触网停、送电及拆挂地线时,须在计划中注明;如未在施工计划中明确提出接触网停、送电要求,一律视为不可在接触网带电状态下作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]社会主义初级阶段的涵义是( )。
A. 我国已经是社会主义社会 B. 实现了生产的商品化,社会化的社会 C. 任何国家进入社会主义都要经历的起始阶段 D. 我国还处在社会主义初级阶段 [单选题]安全带和专作固定安全带的绳索在使用前应进行( )。安全带应按附录O定期检验,不合格者不得使用。
A.A.全面检查 B.B.质量检测 C.C.外观检查 D.D.应力试验 [多项选择]诉讼时效的种类包括()。
A. 普通诉讼时效 B. 短期诉讼时效 C. 中期诉讼时效 D. 权利的最长保护期限 E. 特殊诉讼时效 [单项选择]某企业拟购买一项专利技术使用权,该项专利技术有效使用期5年,预计使用该技术每年可产生净收益25万元,企业设定的基准收益率为15%。则该企业购买该项专利应不高于()万元。
A. 78.2 B. 83.8 C. 90.1 D. 100.6 [单项选择]计算机病毒是______。特洛伊木马一般分为服务器端和客户端,如果攻击主机为A,目标主机为B,则______。
A. 编制有错误的计算机程序 B. 设计不完善的计算机程序 C. 已被破坏的计算机程序 D. 以危害系统为目的的特殊的计算机程序 [多选题]【危化品灾害事故处置指南】难控灾情包括哪几项内容?
A.固定顶储罐全表面火 B.易熔浮盘内浮顶和铁浮舱浮盘内浮顶储罐沉盘全表面火、外浮顶浮盘倾盘造成浮盘上部下部同时燃烧及沉盘全表面火 C.液化烃储罐上温带板开裂火 D.半冷冻罐组制冷冰机故障 [单选题]下列哪个装置不属于举高消防车回转机构( )。
A.液压马达 B.回转减速机 C.回转小齿轮 D.变幅油缸 [单选题]案件分类中第二类及第三类案件中“其他违法违规行为”中的“法”、“规”指()的法律法规、监管规章及规范性文件、自律性组织制定的有关准则,以及银行业金融机构制定的适用于自身业务活动的行为准则。
A.适用于银行业金融机构 B.除刑法以外 C.民商法 D.经济法 [单项选择]车船税采用的是()税率。
A. 比例 B. 超额累进 C. 定额 D. 超额 [单项选择] 第二篇 Medical Education
In 18th.century colonial America,those who wanted to become physicians either learned as personal students from established professionals or went abroad to study in the traditional schools of London,Paris{and Edinburgh.Medicine was first taught formally by specialists at the University of Pennsylvania,beginning in 1765,and in 1767 at King’s College(now Columbia University),the first institution in the colonies to give the degree of doctor of medicine.Following the American Revolution,the Columbia medical faculty(formerly of King’S College) was combined with the College of Physicians and Surgeons,chartered in 1809,which survives as a division of Columbia University.
In 1893 the Johns Hopkins Medical School required all applicants to have a college degree and was the first to afford its students the opportunity to further their training in an attached teaching hospital.The growth of medical schools attached with established institu
A. recruit more students B. set up more schools of medicine C. ensure the quality of medical teaching and practice. D. prevent medical schools from making huge profits. [单选题]使用单梯工作时,梯与地面的斜角度约为( )。
A.60° B.40° C.30° D.45° [名词解释]再生纤维
A. 1~2个 B. 2~3个 C. 3~4个 D. 4~5个 E. 5~6个 [单选题]包括从操动电源到断路器分、合闸线圈之间的所有有关元件,如:熔断器、控制开关、中间继电器的触点和线圈、接线端子等的回路称之为(____)。
A.测量回路 B.继电保护回路 C.信号回路 D.操作回路 [判断题]链条葫芦在使用中如发生卡链情况,应将重物垫好后方可进行检修。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在外感咳嗽中,病程缠绵,久则导致肺阴亏耗的是
A. 风寒 B. 风热 C. 暑湿 D. 风燥 E. 风湿 [单选题]细胞属于
A.原生生物 B.原核生物 C.原生动物 D.中核生物 E.以上都不是 [单选题]单选题用0..1.Hz作为交联电缆交流耐压试验电源,理论上可以将试验变压器的容量降低到()。
A.1./50. B.1./100. C.1./500. D.1./100.0. [单选题]对于20kV开关柜未标(非标)物料,建议使用同物资()产品的模板编制技术规范书。
A.小类 B.中类 C.大类 D.品类 [单选题]辙叉心宽40 mm断面处,辙叉心垂直磨耗(不含翼轨加高部分),60 kg/m及以上钢轨,在其他站线上超过(10) mm为高锰钢整铸辙叉轻伤标准。
A.2 B.4 C.6 D.8 E.10 F.12 [简答题]在AFC维修作业过程中如何使用安全用具进行维修?
[单选题]当接地试灯1DD亮,2DD灭时,说明是控制电路( )接地。
A. 负端 B. 正端 C. 蓄电池漏电 [单选题]塔机的任何部位与输电线路的水平距离不得小于( )
A.4m B.3m C.2m D.1m [判断题]消防救援队伍既是一支同火灾作斗争的专业化队伍,同时也是处置其它紧急灾害事故,实施抢险救援的重要力量。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交