If an occupation census had been taken in the eleventh century it would probably have revealed that quite 90 percent of the people were country inhabitants who drew their livelihood from farming, herding, fishing or the forest. (46)An air photograph taken at that time would have revealed spotted villages, linked together by unsurfaced roads and separated by expanses of forest or swamp. There were some towns, but few of them housed more than 10,000 persons. (47)A second picture, taken in the mid-fourteenth century would show that the villages had grown more numerous and also more widespread, for Europeans had pushed their frontier outward by settling new areas. There would be more people on the roads, rivers and seas, carrying food or raw materials to towns which had increased in number, size and importance. But a photograph taken about 1450 would reyeal that little further expansion had taken place during the preceding hundred years.
Any attempt to describe
there are ten blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank.there are four choices marked A.B.C and D. Chosse the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.
I have been very lucky to have won the Nobel Prize twice, It is, of course, very exciting to have such an important (1) of my work. but the real pleasure was in the work itself. Scientific research is like an exploraion of a voyage of discovery. You are (2) trying out new things that have not been done before. Many of them will lead (3) and you have to try something different, but sometimes an experment does (4) and tells you something new and that it is really exciting, (5) small the new finding may be. it is great to think “I am the only person who knows this A. recognition B. acknowledgement C. realization D. assessment [单选题]《南方电网二次系统管理规定》各级系统运行部对二次系统及设备进行( )统计、分析和评价,并逐级上报。
A.定期 B.不定期 C.多期 D.分期 [单选题] 年10月,跨世纪发展战略研讨会上,董事长、总裁沈文荣就企业未来发展的中、长期规划目标发表的《沙钢宣言》标题名称是( )。
A.《站在新时代高地 实现新世纪跨越》 B.《跨世纪的超越》 C.《沙钢:科学发展观的成功实践》 D.《站在时代的高地》 [单选题]现场指挥部应设专人负责技术管理、()监督。
A.安全 B.技术 C.管理 D.实时 [单项选择]抑制哮喘气道炎症的首选药物是
A. 拟肾上腺素类药物 B. 黄嘌呤类药物 C. 色甘酸钠 D. 糖皮质激素 E. 酮替芬 [单项选择]固定资产,是指使用期限在一个会计年度以上(不含)、银行价值在()元以上(不含)、并在使用过程中保持原有物质形态的有形资产,或者使用期限在一个会计年度以上(不含)、银行价值在()元以下,但是在农商行固定资产分类目录和折旧年限表中存在并且按照固定资产管理的有形资产。
A. 4000 B. 5000 C. 10000 D. 100000 [单选题]依据《中国石化动土作业安全管理规定》,作业前,( )要组织施工单位,针对作业内容,进行JSA分析,制定相应作业程序及安全措施。
A.监理部门 B.项目负责部门 C.安全管理部门 D.监督部门 [单选题]硫酸镁治疗妊娠期高血压疾病剂量过大时,最先出现的毒性反应是
A.头晕,血压过低 B.呼吸减慢 C.心率减慢 D.腱反射减退或消失 E.尿量过少 [单选题]神经-骨骼肌接头传递兴奋的递质是( )。
A.去甲肾上腺素 B.乙酰胆碱 C.多巴胺 D.钙离子 [单选题]我们党的最大政治优势是_____。 ·
A.密切联系群众 B.理论联系实际 C.批评与自我批评 D.勇于自我革新 [单项选择]老年人患病症状不典型:()
A. 不用担心 B. 有症状,引起重视 C. 可自己处理 D. 听从老人意见 [单选题](1.00分)编码为B2的监理资料是()资料。
A.项目管理 B.合同管理 C.质量控制 D.进度控制 我来回答: 提交